13. Looking cute

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"Take off your clothes," Jungkook suddenly said after bickering with Jimin for a while, causing him to blush.

"What? Why should I?" he asked, shifting in his clothes uncertainly.

"Your clothes are wet. You're getting sick. Take them off. It's simple," Jungkook explained to him, but of course that didn't convince Jimin at all.

"I still don't want to sit around here naked, I'd rather get sick," stated Jimin with his arms crossed.

"First of all, I can already see your upper body anyway and besides, I have spare clothes with me, I can give them to you," Jungkook further explained.

Jimin looked down at himself and could clearly see his chest through his white T-shirt. The shirt stuck to his skin as if it was also part of his body, making it easy to see everything underneath. It was as if it had made itself transparent to allow everyone to see Jimin's upper body.

Jimin felt Jungkook's gaze on him as he looked down at himself and quickly pulled his black jacket closed, embarrassed.

"You didn't see anything, are we clear?"

"Annoying. I'm a boy too. Stop being uptight and hurry up, or your clothes won't dry in time," Jungkook urged as he took out his spare clothes for Jimin.

"All right. But I'm only doing it because you insist. And face the other way," demanded Jimin.

"I saw some paper towels in the back of that shelf that you can dry yourself with a bit," Jungkook said as he turned around and just let Jimin do.

Jimin was glad to finally be able to take off the clothes that were sticking to him. It had been such a strange feeling to walk around in them in the dry, well, unlike outside where it almost felt like he was going to have to swim instead of walk.

As Jungkook suggested, he dried himself off with a few paper towels from a shelf, which meant that he was still a little damp but not as soaking wet as before.
Jimin went to Jungkook, who had put his clothes next to him on the couch, took them and put them on.

"Are you finished now?" Jungkook asked, bored.

"Yes, you can look again," Jimin said as he wrung out his wet clothes in a bucket standing around, because half of the room was some kind of storage.

He hung his clothes up on the hot radiator and then plopped down on the couch next to Jungkook.

"How old are you again?" Jungkook asked right after Jimin had sat down.

"I'm twenty. Why do you ask?"

"Oh, just like that. We should get to know each other better," Jungkook replied with a suppressed laugh.

"What's so funny?"

"Okay, I'll tell you. It's just that you look like a little kid wearing his father's clothes," chuckled Jungkook.

"And what does that mean now? That I'm short?" asked Jimin.

"Yes, that too. But you just look so cute in my clothes," Jungkook commented, not really realizing that what was said could have such a big impact on Jimin; after all, he's told every day that he's cute.

But Jungkook had never called him that before. Today in fact was the first time they had really talked to each other.

So it made Jimin's face blush hard and his heart beat faster.

"Anyway, your clothes are really cozy. I didn't want to admit it, but I was freezing cold earlier," Jimin admitted, trying to distract himself from the previous topic while hiding his face with his arms tucked into the soft sleeves of the shirt.

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