9. Ice cream and chocolate?

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Jimin dragged himself to Taehyung's house that same Tuesday. He really needed someone to talk to and if he was lucky, Jin and Namjoon would also be there to address his problems.

"He's so confusing." Was the first thing Jimin said when Tae opened the door for him.

"I wish you a good afternoon, too."

"Ugh, sorry, I think I skipped a few points. Hello."

Tae let him in, and they went up to his room, passing Jin's room where Tae knocked. "Stop making out and hurry up. I think we need an emergency meeting," he called to the two boys in the room.

Even though Jimin wanted the two of them there, he now felt so miserable again because he felt like a burden to the others. He wastes other people's time with the little problems he keeps having.

"It's fine, you didn't have to call them, especially when they were making out."

"We didn't make out," Jin defended himself after opening the door. "And it's okay, Min, we're happy to help you."

As they sat together in the cozy corner of Tae's room, the questioning began.

"So what happened? Was it bad?"

"Do we need ice cream and chocolate?" Tae asked worriedly, to which Jimin looked at him with a weak smile.

"Jungkook is a mess, I have no idea what to think of him. He's so confusing, I just don't understand him," Jimin noted as he continued to organize the thoughts in his head so he could say them straight away.

"I don't understand him either. He should decide whether he wants to have anything to do with you or not," Tae interjected.

"Yes. First he completely ignored me since yesterday, and then he stared at me, like really intensely. Now we're supposed to play lovers and guess who helped our teacher."

"Mila, I think she had a hand in it," Tae answered straight out of the gate.

"Right. And when Jungkook heard that he was supposed to play my love partner, he was upset about it out loud for everyone to hear."


"Well, I didn't really like the idea either," Jimin informed his friends. It could have seemed that way because Jimin obviously had his eye on Jungkook, but he didn't want to get close because they were forced to.

"But you didn't say it out loud like he did."

Jimin continued to narrate the rest of the new events that occurred.
"Anyway, I wasn't feeling so well anymore. When I was sitting in the bus stop shelter and just waiting for the bus, he suddenly came out of nowhere and asked me if I was okay. So confusing."

"What a liar, he said he would like to stay away from you," Tae remarked angrily. "What was the point of even talking to him?"

"You didn't talk to him about me, did you?"

"What should I say now, what do you want to hear?" Tae asked as he snuggled up to Jimin.

"When? And why am I only finding out about this now?" Jimin flicked Tae's forehead, but then pulled him even closer to himself.

"What do you want to do next? Not play his lover in the play or try to understand him?" Jin really wanted to help Jimin because he hated seeing Jimin like this. He was like a second little brother to him, which awakened his protective instinct.

"I don't know, I actually just came here for the hugs," Jimin said, demonstrating this statement by falling back into the soft and cozy pillows with Tae in his arms.

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