8. No way

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"Okay guys. I didn't mention it last time, but it's also important that you bring black clothes every Tuesday. You will take off your everyday clothes, which means taking off the costume of your everyday role, in order to be able to be and play someone else here. It offers you the freedom to develop and shows that we are all the same, no one is better or worse than anyone else." The theater teacher made an inviting gesture with her hands and looked around.

"From next week I would ask you to wear black here."

"You can just keep your clothes on," Mila said to Jungkook, whereupon he looked down at himself. In fact, today he was dressed completely in black, literally from head to toe, as if he had suspected that this requirement existed.

Mila also looked down at him and seemed to imagine what she would look like in all black, but she just wrinkled her nose because she didn't seem to like the idea.

"Black swallows up the light like that and how is anyone supposed to see my curves then?" she just murmured sadly.

In the meantime, Ms. Yang had continued and explained that this course was not just about performing the play, but also about general theater tasks and exercises or whatever. The students should also be able to improvise, but the play is the main thing, which is why she wants to prepare the students for it in the best possible way by taking away the fear of performing and appearing on stage and in front of a crowd of people.

When she finished speaking, everyone went back to the stage, like last time. Jungkook, like everyone else, of course without shoes, but this time also with simple black socks.

"As I said, the focus is on the play and with Mila, who kindly gave me a hand, the first structures are already in place. We have already created an idea for your characters and their part in the story, while of course paying attention to your wishes. In this case, that means that we can work out the exact script together soon and you will get your roles today." Ms. Yang spoke with an optimism and a lot of energy that infected the others, well, except for Jungkook.

"Come on, my dears, let's sit down in a circle again. I brought a few funny exercises with me to start with, which were always very well received by the students and, in my opinion, helped them. Those of you who have been here in previous years should know them."

She winked at these people and started explaining the first game.

"The game is called chain story and as you can guess it is a story that we will tell together by going around in the circle and each person contributing a word."


The game was actually quite funny because at the end it came out with sentences that were really random, but that's what made it so funny.

They had played a few rounds, which made the time go by quite a bit. Even though Jungkook didn't really know what the game was for and what it was supposed to encourage in him, he just went along with it and didn't ask any more questions about it.
Honestly, he was glad that they were spending their time on this and not on another game or task that wasn't as easy.

"You know, actually I didn't really help her at all. I just gave her a few tips and she did the rest on her own, so I'm excited about what kind of roles we'll have," Mila squealed excitedly as Ms. Yang pulled the papers out of her bag.

"I thought I didn't have to worry," Jungkook murmured, horrified because Mila didn't seem to have properly taken the problem into her own hands.

"Hey, you don't have to worry now, it'll be okay. But I could only tell her that it doesn't matter what you play, as long as the role isn't that big," she assured him.

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