14. tears

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Jungkook sat in the bus a little later and looked out through the steamed-up window at the rainy streets. It was quite dark outside and the lights of the cars and stores were only vaguely visible.

Like Jimin, he had run through the rain to avoid getting completely wet, but it hadn't really worked, he was still drenched.

Jungkook leaned his head against the window and wiped at the glass so he could look out and watch the world go by.

Jimin. He couldn't stop thinking about it. It was wrong, why hadn't he listened to Mila, getting involved with him is just not good.

Was it wrong?

He wanted to believe her, but the more he had to do with Jimin, the less he believed her, even though he was friends with her and not him.

Should he have concentrated more on what he was saying instead of just letting himself fall into the situation without thinking about it?

Was that his mistake? Did he make a mistake at all?

Jimin already said that his emotions boiled over, and he even apologized, and yet Jungkook kept thinking back to what Jimin said to him.

That he believes everything he is told without thinking about its authenticity, directly assuming that it must be true. It wasn't even absurd, he really did it, he believed Mila what she said about Jimin, but friends aren't just anyone, you can trust them.

Everything Jimin said must have come from deep within him, and that hit Jungkook harder because he couldn't answer him, at least not the way he wanted to. Jimin must have felt devastated, felt so bad that he broke down in front of him, a random guy he was forced to spend the time with.

He should have supported him, tried to understand him, comforted him, instead of being put off by his words.

He needed it, he deserved it. A sunshine like him doesn't deserve to be displaced by the clouds that bring rain, he should be happy and enjoy his life.

But Jungkook doesn't make the rules, sometimes you need rain, but the shower will pass until the sun is high in the sky again smiling down on you.

Jungkook wanted to tell him that it was okay, that it was fine with him, that nothing needed to change between them, they could just interact like they did before the incident, but his timing wasn't exactly terrific.

He couldn't bring any of that out, not even that it was okay. These two words could have changed so much and yet so little.

Would it have changed anything? Who knows?

He didn't know how he should behave from now on, would they act as if they had never been in this room together.

Could he pretend that he hadn't seen this loving side of Jimin? The way he blushed and pouted and talked to him freely and exuberantly. Putting on his clothes, trusting him, thanking him sweetly.

Is he losing his mind? He couldn't stop thinking about it, there was nothing else buzzing around in his head that had nothing to do with Jimin.

Why did his heart beat faster when he saw Jimin in his clothes? Why was he so cute, even when he was pouting or being annoying?

Why does he feel this way? Jimin is crazy and also almost out of reach for him, and yet none of this can outweigh the adoration he feels towards him.

Jungkook is losing his mind.

He looks out at the lights again, but this time the image is blurred not because of the glass, but because of his glassy eyes, which distort his image in the hope of finally being shed.

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