5. The adored sweetie

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When Jungkook got off the bus on Saturday and walked through an area he wasn't familiar with, he was excited and happy.

He was on his way to meet Mila, his first real friend, at her house. He had never visited anyone's home before, except his grandparents, but that does not count and was years ago because they had unfortunately already passed away.

Only three days have passed since he met Mila, but they have gotten to know each other better. Mila is a second-year student like Taehyung, but is not as popular as him. Since he met Mila, he hasn't spoken to Taehyung because he was always hanging out with Mila outside of class.

When he finally arrived at the house, he stood a little nervously in front of the front door. Before he could hesitantly hold his index finger over the bell any longer, the door opened to reveal Mila.

"Hi," she said as she stepped back to let him enter the house.

"Hello," he replied, taking off his shoes.

"It's nice that you're here, in one piece. Ten minutes late, I thought you weren't coming," she remarked coldly.

"Oh, I'm sorry. My bus was a little late and-" Mila interrupted him, annoyed. "It's okay, Kook, let's go upstairs to my room."

She walked up the stairs, and Jungkook followed her with interest as he saw all the pictures at the walls and details here and there.

In her room, they sat down on the small pink sofa. Everything in the room was either pink or white, and that suited her, but wasn't really Jungkook's thing. It left him with an uncomfortable feeling that he sometimes feels when he looks at Mila in general.

They talked until Mila suddenly said nothing and looked very thoughtful.

"Is everything okay?" Jungkook asked worriedly. In all the few days he had known her, he had never seen her so quiet.

"Yeah, I was just wondering..." She stopped speaking and just looked at him with wide eyes.

"What were you wondering?" Jungkook asked, not realizing that this was exactly what Mila wanted.

"I was wondering if you thought I was cute," she said in her softest voice while brushing her hair out of her face as cutely as possible.

"Okay," Jungkook said, because he didn't know how to respond to this statement without hurting her feelings. Not that he'd ever thought about something like that to know what to answer.

"So, what's your answer?"

"I do not know yet."

"Well, in the meantime, until you find an answer to this extremely complex question, I'll show you something or rather someone else. Maybe you'll know what to answer with a person who isn't in the room." Mila sounded a bit of bitter, probably because Jungkook hadn't given her the validation she wanted.

She pulled out her phone and scrolled through her photos without saying anything.

"Here, do you think he's cute?" She held out the picture of a blonde boy, and Jungkook immediately recognized that he was the one from the theater club. Even though the photo was a bit unflattering and straight from life, the stunning features and sparkling eyes showed the beauty of this boy. He had already noticed on Tuesday how gorgeous he looked.

"Does he know you have this pictures of him?" he asked instead of answering, seeing her roll her eyes.

"It doesn't matter. Just answer the question. Do you think he's cute? Cuter than me?" Her eyes pierced deeply into his own.

"Yeah, he's kind of cute," he finally answered honestly, whereupon Mila sighed loudly.

"They're a perfect match," Mila murmured under her breath, so quietly that Jungkook couldn't hear her.

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