Tim we literally had sex, your in an relationship and married PT3

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"WESLEY!" Angela shouts as tears fall down her face.
Wesley was still punching Tim, Tim flipped them over and started punching Wesley back..even though he didn't have the right to, he then put Wesley in a head lock.

Aaron and grey came rushing over and split them up, grey grabbed Tim and dragged him back and Aaron grabbed Wesley, Wesley was trying to fight Aaron's grip but Tim just gave up in defeat.

"THAT BASTARD SLEPT WITH MY WIFE" Wesley shouts still trying to fight Aaron's grip.

Tim looked at Lucy with watery eyes and Lucy shook her head
"YOU TWO ARE FUCKING DEAD!! DEAD TO ME I TELL YOU- Tim I'll fucking pack your shit Aaron you can grab it later." Lucy shouts at both Angela and Tim then sobs and storms over to Angela and punches her across the face before storming off.

"you deserved that" Nyla says to Angela walking over
"I know" angela sobbed.
"Bradford you have fucked up" Aaron says still trying to pull Wesley back.
"OKAY. OKAY everyone go away you have jobs to do. Lopez Bradford and Wesley with me, Nyla and Aaron find Lucy" grey snaps still having a hold of Tim's arm and walking them into his office, Wesley trailing behind with Angela- neither of them speaking to eachother.

Grey throws Tim onto the mini sofa and tells Wesley and Angela to sit.
"Someone please tell me WHAT THE FUCK is going on?!" Grey snaps
Wesley shakes his head and stands up
"That bastard SLEPT WITH MY WIFE" Wesley says running over to Tim and strangling him

Angela and grey run over and pull Wesley off Tim, tim grabbed his neck and rubbed it.
"Wesley sit down or I'll arrest you for assault towards an officer" grey says pulling a seat out, Wesley's nose flared in anger and he sat down tapping his feet.

"okay. Lopez and Bradford did you two sleep together?" Grey asks bluntly
Tim glances at Angela and Angela refuses to make eye contact with him
"yes sir-we were drunk" Angela says sternly still sniffling
Tim just nods feeling awfully guilty.
"oh my god" grey shakes his head in disgust and disbelief.

"It was a drunk mistake" Tim adds him.
"DRUNK MISTAKE?!" Wesley shouts and stands up again
"Wesley Evers sit down!!" Grey snaps
"I'm sorry" Angela apologises to Wesley.
"how am I meant to accept your apology- if you work with that bastard every day.. and I know his hands has been all over you" Wesley asks aggressively and Angela shrugs

"I'll take transfer" Tim blurts out, greys head snaps to him
"Bradford it's a big decision" grey says
"No look. I'll take transfer- I'll work at north Holly wood, I heard they need more detectives..I won't be able to work with Lucy" Angela explains.
"but you think I can?!!" Tim snaps.
"tim. your a Sargent here, your needed here." Angela snaps.

"Yes let Angela take the transfer" Wesley pleads
Angela's head snaps to him "wait why do you care?!"
"no need to fucking shout for one and for two, let's just forget this ever happened. New start at a new station no drama.. we will work through this for the kids" Wesley explains, Angela takes a minute to think and she nods.
"Okay Lopez I'll put that transfer in now. You two can go off station premises" grey says and they both leave, grey glances at tim who was sat there with his head in his hands.

"You've fucked up big time son" grey says leaning back in his chair crossing his arms.
"I know!!" He snaps
"hey don't you dare snap at me! I'm not the one who made this happen, and I'm your boss so you do not have the right to speak to me like that" grey shouts at tim.
"Sorry sir" he apologises
"Look son it's okay..go find Lucy" grey sighs and tim nods and walks out the room.


Aaron and Nyla found Lucy sobbing on a bench outside the station.
"I'm so sorry Lucy.." Nyla says sitting next to her.
"I can't believe he would do that to me" she sobs and puts her head in her hands.
"Look I haven't known tim for very long- you have known him longer than me..but I know this isn't him at all, he messed up..it's a shitty mistake I get that but.." Angela trails off.
"He fucking slept with his best friend!" Lucy snaps and cries more.

"Lucy I think they were both drunk..look you need to talk to him- he's fucked up big time but you need to talk to him" Aaron says softly rubbing her back.
"we argued before I went undercover..we didn't make up-what if he did that to get back at me" she says sitting up rubbing her eyes.
"Tim's not like that.." Nyla says softy

Before anyone could say anymore tim came over, both Aaron and Nyla glared at him.
"we will let you two talk, Lucy shout if you need us we will be over there" Nyla says pointing to another bench, Lucy nods and thanks them. While walking away Aaron barges past tim making him nearly fall backwards.

Tim sits at the opposite side of the bench and sighed "I'm so fucking sorry Lucy" he says with his eyes prickling with tears.
"how- how could you do that to me tim?" Lucy asks with watery eyes, Tim felt awfully guilty.
"I can't even remember it Lucy..I was really wasted- we argued-" tim starts and Lucy cuts him off.

"so you did it because we argued?! hmm so every time we argued you just go and fuck someone huh?" Lucy snaps with tears streaming.
"What?! No! Lucy! No it wasn't because we argued- I don't know why I did it, I won't do it ever again Lucy..I can't loose you baby.." tim says also crying and touching Lucy's hand.
"get off me!" Lucy snaps moving her hand.

Tim's heart shattered "Lucy baby can we just work through this.."Tim pleads.
"Did you sleep with Angela because she's slimmer than me?! Or because she's prettier?! like she's everything I'm not." Lucy asks Tim feeling really insecure at that moment.

"what no..Lucy baby you are the brightest most gorgeous girl I've ever met in my life- I love you Lucy Chen..I love you so fucking much, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you, have your babies get married" Tim begs

Come back for pt4!

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