what if jackson walked in during practice kiss.

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"so if we are going to sell that we are-you know, actually girlfriend and boyfriend then we might have to uh.." Tim trails off nervously
"Have to..?" Lucy asks
"you know.." Tim says moving his hand around trying to gesture something and Lucy shrugs acting oblivious.

"do you?" Tim stutters
"Okay okay..we might have to PDA" she smirks and Tim sighs in frustration and turns away and faces forward " you know what, just forget it"
"No. No okay, you're right..you're right i mean if we are going to have to kiss it probably shouldn't be for the first time" lucy states and Tim sighs in relief when he realises lucy knew what he was talking about. "That's what I'm saying" he agrees.

"Okay. Yeah. Should we stand?" Lucy asks nervously, Tim nods and they both anxiously stand up and face eachother "nope" Lucy laughs and turns away feeling immediately awkward.
"we are professionals, let's just get this over with" Tim sighs and lucy turns back to facing him and raises her eye brow.

"Whoa that's romantic" she rolls her eyes mockingly, Tim rolls his eyes in frustration
"I'm not trying to be romantic" he states
"Well your succeeding" lucy says and Tim clocks his head and narrows his eyes at her.
"Sorry sorry..sorry okay. Yeah I'm ready" she stutters taking a deep breath.

Tim leans in for a little peck on the lips and stands back looking for confirmation, lucy once again raises her eyebrows "what? Un sorry.. Is that it?" She asks in a mocking tone.
"Well if you are going to criticise me.."Tim starts and lucy cuts him off and grabs his face and pulls him in for a kiss.

Tim was reluctant at first but then he pulls her in and deepens the kiss, their lips clashed passionately, it felt like the world around them just disappeared. Tim moved his hands to her waist and suddenly they heard a gasp and a bag drop. It was Jackson.

Both of them leaped away from eachother awkwardly
"uh..hello?" Lucy says awkwardly fidgeting with her jumper and avoiding eye contact with both Tim and Jackson.
"oh my god! Finally!" Jackson celebrates.
"what no.! This isn't- we aren't!.." Tim stuttered and gestures between him and lucy.

"hmmmmm..well- Tim you have my full blessing and support to date Lucy, your a good man!! And I expect to be your man of honour lucy!" Jackson spits out excitedly.
"Jackson! No! We- it's a practice kiss for work" lucy corrects Jackson.

"yeah right." Jackson nods smirking
"We are doing an undercover thing..we have to act as a couple" Tim nods.
"Yeah. Whatever.its cool, don't need to explain to me.. Well I'm going to go" Jackson says picking his bag back up and turns to leave
"nope don't" lucy snaps
"no no..I'm going to go" Jackson tries to leave smiling.
"nope, I was just about to leave..uhm I'll see you tomorrow" Tim says awkwardly and jumps to leave.

"good work tonight " Lucy says and regrets it straight after and turns around. Jackson watches the two of them in amusement.
"Good work as well" Tim says turning and pointing at lucy and turning back to leave.
"bye bradford" Jackson smirks and pats his shoulder and Tim ignores him and leaves.

Lucy builds the courage to turn back around to look at Jackson, she sighs and looks at him with an awkward smile.
Jackson smirks at her "When's the wedding" he asks jokingly
"there's no wedding! And we are not getting together, he's with Ashley and I'm with Chris!" Lucy snaps.

"well..you love him" Jackson states and Lucy glares at him
"Okay. Im shutting up now. I'm going to my room" Jackson nods towards his bedroom door
"Hm mhm, me too" lucy Agrees and heads to her room.

Jackson shuts the door of his room and immediately pulls his phone out and calls Angela.
"Jackson if this isn't a life or death matter I don't want to know" she answers.
"I want my 50 dollars" Jackson says excitedly.
"WHAT?!" She gasps
"I won the bet, I walked in on them like practically eating each other's faces off. So 50 dollars now!" Jackson says
"Fuck off..you're lying!!!" Angela gasps
"I'm being deadly serious Lopez, I will see you at roll call with my 50 dollars. Night Angela" he smiles and hangs up.

The next day Tim pulled up to the station and sighed, he gets out his truck and begins to walk toward the entrance of the station until he heard someone skipping up to him.
Tim just sighs "hi Timothy" Angela smirks
"Angela" he nods

"you kissed lucy I hear" she states walking next to him.
"No no! It was an undercover thing..dim kissed juicy..or Jake kisses Sava whatever..the point is we had to feel comfortable going undercover so we practiced being a couple..." Tim explains
"How much did you practice" Angela asks even though she already knows.
"Why are you even asking Lopez? West has already probably told you. " Tim grumbled.

And Angela chuckled and nodded
"Well it was just a kiss- why are you and Jackson making it such a big deal" Tim asks slightly embarrassed.
"if it's not big deal why are you embarrassed and over explaining" Angela smirks happily stopping in her footsteps.
Tim rolls his eyes and looks at Angela straight in the eyes "what if it wasn't just kiss for her"

"You think lucy has feelings for you?" Angela asks Tim.
"No" Tim shakes his head
"Well she probably sees it how you do, just a weird thing you had to do for work" Angela says.
"Right" Tim nods deeply in his thoughts.

Angela sees Tim looks unsure and her smile grows "Timothyyyy do you have feelings for Lucy" she says mockingly
"NoOoo..I'm dating Ashley and she's dating Chris and I'm her superior officer" Tim lies.
Angela raises her eyebrow "all true not what I asked" she smirks
"I don't have feelings-" Tim starts and Angela cuts him off.
"Cut the bull Tim, I know you love her. Plus you have made me 50 dollars down" Angela says
"You had bets on us?" Tim asks shocked and angrily

"me and Jackson did. I've got to go, I need to give him 50 dollars. Have fun spiralling" Angela smirks and leaves Tim alone at the front of the station, Tim's jaw was dropped- he can't believe there was bets on him and lucy.

Lucy was in the middle of dreaming about her and Tim until there was a knock knock on the door.
"Good morning mrs Bradford" Jackson smirked from the doorway sipping his coffee.
"Jackson back off, it was a practice kiss. I'm with Chris and he's with ashley"
"well that didn't stop you two eating each others face off yesterday" Jackson mutters sipping his coffee, Lucy heard him and threw her pillow off him.

"Hey! I have a hot coffee in my hand!!" Jackson snapped
"Well stop saying shit about me and Tim! It's not happening and never will" lucy snaps.
"Okay. Okay. Well come back to me when that changes..I'm going to go and collect my winning money from Lopez- see you at work" Jackson says walking out of Lucy's  bedroom.
"YOU PLACED BETS ON US?" Lucy shouts and Jackson laughs and leaves the apartment.

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