Tim gets sick.

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thecoolbutterfly Tim gets sick- keep sending ideas through guys.

Lucy woke up to an empty bed and the sound of retching. She looks at the bathroom door to see it shut, she gets out of bed and slowly approaches the door and immediately grimaces at the sound of Tim gagging.

She knocks on the door "Tim are you okay?" And Tim hums in agreement then starts retching and gagging again..
"I'm coming in" Lucy sighs and braces her self for the smell of the vomit.

She opens the door to see Tim kneeling infront of the toilet bowl..he looked lifeless and pale. "oh gosh babe.." Lucy says sitting next to him.
"I'm fine.." he mumbles and stands up to flush the toilet.
"you've just thrown your whole body weight up. You are not fine" Lucy sighs standing up.

Tim was wobbly on his feet, he kept slightly leaning forward then backwards..
"hey careful" Lucy says holding Tim's shoulders.
"I'm. Fine." He says shaking Lucy off and walking back into their room and going to the closet pulling out clothes.

Lucy follows him in "what the fuck are you doing, you are sick you should be in bed resting" Lucy says taking the pile of clothes out of Tim's hand and putting them away.
Tim turned to her, he could hardly keep his eyes open and he was still wobbling back and forth "I'm fine, it'll pass I'm going to work" he states picking the clothes back up.

"no your not! Your sick Tim" she snaps.
"I'm not, I never get sick" he says and suddenly he runs back to the bathroom and leaps infront of the toilet bowl to throw more of his guts up.

"Tim Bradford never gets sick huh?" Lucy chuckles as she walks into the bathroom.
"okay..maybe......I'm abit sick" he says in between throwing up.

Lucy grimaces and walks forward to rub Tim's back "it's okay let it come up"she whispers and Tim shakes and makes her hand fall.
"I'm a grown as man Lucy! I can throw up on my own." He says sternly and Lucy smirks Bradford is still acting like a hard ass.

"Ill go make you some food" Lucy says standing up and Tim gags but nothing came up
"Please for the love of god do not mention food!" Tim snaps feeling really sick.

"okay. I'll call grey instead to call us off" she says walking into the bedroom.
"us? No! Just me, just call me off Lucy, you are going into work. At least one of us has to be there" Tim scolds Lucy.
"But your sick Tim" Lucy sighs and Tim sighs and groans.
"I am fine, I'm not even that sick..and plus I'm a grown as Man I can take care of my self" he says weakly, moving back from the toilet and flushing it.

"gosh you are so stubborn, I'm staying with you Tim" Lucy says calling Grey.
"but I'll get you sick" Tim mumbles but loud enough for Lucy to hear.
"You could get me sick anyway, I literally slept in the same bed as you. And I've been near you"she says and walks off as grey answers the phone.

"Hey officer Chen what's up?" Grey asks answering.
"me and Tim's taking the day off today." Lucy says as glancing into hers and Tim's bathroom from a far to see Tim sat up against the wall.

"may I ask why?" He asks hesitantly.
"hard ass Bradford is sick, he's been puking all morning..and I don't want to leave him on his own" Lucy explains and grey chuckles.
"What happened to Bradford never gets sick" he laughs
"he tried to get dressed but he couldn't even keep his eyes open" Lucy laughs.
"I approve your sick days. I hope he gets well soon" grey says and hangs up.

Lucy walks back into the bathroom "come on Tim let's get you into bed" Lucy says grabbing his arm and Tim shakes her off
"I can get up on my own" he mumbles as he gets up..he went super dizzy and wobbly
"woah careful cowboy" Lucy says holding onto him, he allows her to walk him into the bedroom, he immediately flops onto the bed.

"Tim your burning up, maybe take your shirt off and I'll grab you some medicine" Lucy says and Tim mumbles into the pillow
"You just want to see me shirtless" he mumbles.
Lucy chuckles "yeah and no, I want you to look after your self and find ways that'll make you better..if not I'll have to take you to get checked out" Lucy says softly and Tim groans and throws his top off.
"Thankyou" Lucy says and walks out the bedroom to get Tim some crackers, water and a Gatorade and some advil.

"Here, take the Advil it'll get rid of your fever and your body aches" Lucy says and Tim sits up and takes it with his Gatorade.
"You okay?" She asks and Tim nods
"Thanks baby, love you" he says in a rough voice falling back into the pillow.

Lucy sighs and climbs into the other side of the bed and cuddles into Tim, Tim mumbles
"Go away or I'll get you sick"

"I probably won't get sick but if I do I'm sick there's nothing I can do about it, now shut your mouth and rest Tim, let me look after you instead you being an ass" Lucy says and Tim dryly chuckles
"Sorry for being an ass" he mumbles.
Lucy smiles and shakes her head
"Go to sleep baby" she says and Tim nods and falls to sleep, Lucy not to far behind him.

They were asleep for a good few hours until Tim was up again leaning over the toilet bowl and Lucy rolls her eyes and gets up and walks up to him and rubs his back.
"It's okay." She says softly and Tim retches and gags, Lucy grimaces.

"Arghhhh I just want to die" he mumbles placing his head on the cold toilet seat.
"Don't say that Tim, you only have the sickness virus" Lucy chuckles
"It feels like literal death Lucy" he groans.
"You look like death too" Lucy smirks and Tim sits up and frowns at Lucy "that's mean. I'm meant to be the sick one" he says with a smile.

Lucy laughs "I was kidding, come on let's get you back to bed..you do have to eat and drink though Tim you need to eat" she says helping him up and flushing the toilet.
Tim just nods and sits on the edge of the bed and eats a few crackers and drinks the whole bottle of Gatorade.
"you okay? You feel like it's going to come back up?" Lucy asks looking at Tim, he shakes his head no and lays back down in bed and goes back to sleep.

She goes into the living room to clean up abit and watch tv.
Lucy sighs and realises it's nearly dinner so she makes some chicken soup and toast, things that won't irritate his stomach.

She goes into the bedroom and shakes Tim
"Tim" she whispers, he stirs and wakes up.
"Please try and eat this soup" she says softly and Tim just nods and sits up.
He eats all the soup and bread and he felt much better.
"Hey you look like you again" Lucy comments and Tim smiles
"Thanks for you babe, I'm heading in the shower"
he says and goes into the shower.

He gets out and feels so much better, him and Lucy went to bed and suddenly early hours in the morning Lucy started puking in the toilet bowl.
"I told you I'll get you sick babe" Tim says holding back her hair.

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