Post break up+ drunk lucy

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"Post break up+drunk Lucy"

"Okay Lucy that is literally enough" Angela snaps pulling away Lucy's 5th shot. She already had a few drinks before this too.
"Pft no! You, you aren't my mom" Lucy chuckles and tries to steal the shot back but she was too uncoordinated and she nearly tumbled off the stool.

"Get her out of here" the bartender snaps and Angela groans, she only took Lucy out so they can have girl time and so she can get Lucy out since she hasn't left her apartment since the break up, she hadn't even been going to work.
"I'm trying!!" Angela snapped back to the bartender.

"Get off me" Lucy slurs trying to shake Angela off but ended up falling off the stool and on the floor.
"Ughhh my gosh!!" Angela snaps kneeling down the grab Lucy's arms and lifts one over her shoulder.

"Look I know you miss Tim, but you can't fall off the wagon now, you have too much to loose" Angela says as she slowly carry's Lucy outside.
"Me? Too much to loose? Yeah. Well Tamara's left me. Tim's left me. You and Nyla are bitches, grey doesn't care. My parents don't care. Everyone doesn't care." Lucy says falling into a self pity.

"Everyone cares Lucy, you just can't see it because you're in a bad state" Angela sighs and Lucy pulls away from Angela and attempts to walk away but fails terribly and stumbles over, Angela runs over..tonight was a bad idea.
"I don't need fucking help! I'm a grown ass woman" Lucy snaps

Angela needs to get Lucy home, but Angela is slightly above the limit so she can't drive them home. Wesley is home with Jack and she's assuming everyone is busy..except one.

She really didn't want to do this to Lucy but she pulls out her phone and selects a contact. She looks at Lucy who was now sitting on the floor leaning against the wall, her head slightly tilted on the side, she could hardly keep her eyes open.

"Lopez it's 12:30 in the morning. What is wrong. It better be a blood or death matter." Tim snaps tiredly.
"'re the last person I need here right now, but it's late and everyone has families and I don't want to bother them...but.." Angela sighs.
"But what Angela? I'm tired." Tim mumbles and Angela sighs

"Lucy's fucking pissed, she is really drunk and wasted Tim. She's been kicked from the bar and she can't even stand..we need to be picked up " Angela sighs and Tim quickly jumps up and throws on a shirt as he was only in sweats and throws on his shoes and grabs his keys and heads straight out.
"Why can't you drop her off??" Tim snaps as he starts the truck.

"Well I'm sorry mr perfect, I'm also over the limit " Angela snaps.
"Yeah right sorry. How much as she had to drink anyway" Tim shakes his head.
"About five shots, and like a few glasses of vodka cranberry, tequila and a margarita..she is wasted tim" Angela sighs.

"why were you guys out anyway" Tim asks and Angela shrugs even though Tim can't see her.
"She hasn't been at work or socialised with anyone since the break up..I was trying to get out the house for a bit" Angela sighs
"Okay. Well I've tracked your phone and I'm two mins away." Tim states.

"She really misses you Tim" Angela replies.
"I miss her too, she was my home. But Angela, I was protecting her from my demons, and me. I am not the person I thought I was, I've been lying to my self" Tim says and Angela groans.

"Stop saying that Tim!! Lucy's fell in love with every version of you. It's not your decision to walk away..and choose to break up. Have you even spoken to Lucy about what she thinks about it??" Angela asks and Tim sighs
"Let's not talk about this right now. I'm pulling up. Bye" he says and hangs up, he stops the truck and gets out.

"Oh my god" Tim gasps at the state of Lucy, he's never seen her this wasted..she's never had more than a glass of wine or tequila when out..she's always tipsy or just under the limit but not wasted.
"yeah." Angela nods as she puts her phone in her bag and grabs Lucy's bag.

Tim sighs and lifts Lucy up bridal style and walks towards his truck.
"Luce what have you done" Tim asks softly moving a peice of hair out her face, Lucy was passed out drunk.
Angela follows him and opens the passenger door for him.

Tim places Lucy into the seat and fastens her seatbelt. "I hope she doesn't throw up" Tim mutters as he shuts the door.
"She's going to have a killer hang over in the morning, I don't even think she's ate" Angela sighs getting into the back of Tim's truck.
"thanks for calling me Angela" Tim says glancing at Lucy before starting the truck.

"yeah." Angela agrees.
Tim drives Angela home, "are you going to be okay with her?" Angela asks and Tim nods.
"I'm taking her to my place, I don't want her on her own" Tim sighs and Angela nods.
"Thanks for the ride" she says getting out the truck and walking towards her door.

Tim drives off and heads to his house, he gets out and goes to the passenger side.
"Lucy wake up" Tim shakes her as he opens the door.
"Huh- t-Tim?"she slurs waking up.
"Yeah it's me. Angela called me saying you were very drunk" Tim says unplugging her seatbelt.
"Angelas being a bitch. I am not drunk at all" Lucy grumbles and Tim pulls her up and helps her out the truck.

"Uh -huh?" Tim asks when Lucy couldn't even stand straight.
"I'm not fucking drunk Tim. Why the fuck are you here anyway? You didn't want me" Lucy snaps trying to fight out of Tim's grip but kept nearly stumbling over.
"Woah careful. I do want you Lucy, don't ever say that" Tim snaps back.

"Yeah right. Well you broke up with me" Lucy slurs.
"I broke up with you because you deserve someone better" Tim replies shutting and locking his truck and walking them up his drive.
"When did you decide what's good for me? I decide that, and I picked you Tim. I fell in love with you..I fell for you hard" Lucy rambles as they walk slowly.

Tim couldn't reply before Lucy started puking infront of them.
"Oh lovely" Tim muttered, he pulls back her hair and rubs her back as she puked. Luckily the puke didn't get on either of them.

Finally after what felt like an eternity he managed to get them both inside, he walks Lucy to his room and sits her on his bed, she immediately lays down and passes out, Tim rolls his eyes because he was wanting to give her water and Advil before she slept as she will have a killer migraine and hang over.

He grabs a cup of water and places It on the night stand it two Advil capsules, he then pulls her shoes off and walks into the living room and makes a bed on the sofa.

The next morning Tim made Lucy a coffee and breakfast, he sits them on the kitchen island and that was when Lucy comes out in yesterday's clothes, smudged cakey makeup and messy hair.
"Never drinking again" she mumbles.
"I'm glad you say that." Tim replies.
"What am I even doing here, I went out with Angela not you." Lucy snaps as she sits on the stool.

"Angela called me, you were really wasted Lucy, anymore you could have had alcohol poisoning" Tim replied
"Why do you even care Tim?" She replies and Tim rolls his eyes.
"I love you still Lucy" Tim replies.
"yeah. Right" she rolls her eyes and Tim groans.

"I do, I just broke up with you because I need to fix my self and you deserve better" Tim repeats his words from the night before.
"You don't choose what I deserve Tim" Lucy says looking at him, but then immediately covering her eyes because the light and her migraine.

"okay fair enough. But I want to fix my self before even thinking about starting our relationship back up..and it looks like you need to too" Tim sighs as he pushes her breakfast infront of her, Lucy gets a smell of the breakfast and runs to the toilet to be sick..she really couldn't deal with food.

Tim follows her and pulls back her hair "this is the worst hang over" she groans as another round of sick comes up; Tim didn't reply.
"I think you're right: we both need to fix our self before making it work" Lucy grumbles against the toilet seat.


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⏰ Last updated: May 20 ⏰

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