Tim and tam

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Tim was sat at Lucy's breakfast island drinking a coffee and eating a slice of toast, Lucy already headed out for work as it was her first day as a detective..it's took a while as she placed 17th on the exam but she finally got there.

Tamara came out her bedroom fully dressed and ready, she strolled over to the kitchen and took out a mug and poured a coffee with extra sugar and creamers.
"your going to die with the amount of sugar in there" Tim grumbled eating his toast.
"Oh be quiet old man" Tamara smirked moving around the counter to sit next to Tim.
"Atleast I live to be old. You won't" Tim chuckles dryly and Tamara rolls her eyes and moves to sit next to Tim.

"when does your shift start?" She asks fidgeting with her sleeve.
"about an hour and a half..you okay?" Tim asks picking up on her random nervous behaviour.
"yeah. It's just..my parent's anniversary is coming up..they died 4 years ago..and I haven't spoken to anyone about it- and as much as I love Lucy..I would rather speak to someone who knows what I'm talking about, someone who can relate.." Tamara explains fidgeting with her coffee cup.

"..and that person is me?" Tim asks looking at Tamara softly, and Tamara nods and sighs.

"they both died from over doses..heroin..and I came home from school..I was 12 and I found them on the floor blue lipped and pale and just dead.. I always known this was going to happen at some point..I tried to make them go to rehab- mom did for a bit but while she was in there she was ill and she was struggling with the withdrawals..and I don't want to say she abused me but..anyway she jumped straight back on drugs. We had nothing, they literally took anything they could get money for and sold it- i helped with my neighbours with chores and they gave me money for it and I had to hide everything that was worth something.. I was walking on egg shells"Tamara tells Tim, her eyes become watery. Tim nods through all of it and allowed her to speak because he understands all of it.

"I'm so sorry you had to go through that at all T, I uhh...Isabelle- she's lucky she didn't get as far as your parents did..but she came so close so many times to that- one day I woke up in bed alone, she left me took all my cash and everything that was worth selling..and it's absolutely horrible thing to live through, you try to help them so much and they don't accept your help. And I'm going to be honest with you about something else tam..not many people know but from the age of 7 my father..my father used to beat me up on the regular everyday until I left when I was 18.. I took the beatens to save genny and my mom from getting them." Tim opens up to Tamara.

Tamara's eyes widened "I am so sorry Tim.." she says touching his shoulder
"Look I'm okay now. But with you your safe now, you have me and Lucy and you are going to have a bright future- don't look back always look forward tam, your a great kid and a survivor and I'm proud of you" Tim says softly
Tamara's eyes watered and she looked away to wipe them
"hey it's okay you don't always have to act brave..you can let your walls down around me and Lucy..especially Lucy..your safe now" Tim says.

Tamara turns back around "thank you so much Tim..can I have a hug?" She asks hesitantly and smiles and nods "come here" he says opening his arms. Tamara leans forward and accepts his embrace, they pull away and Tamara looks at Tim "your brave too" she smiles and Tim just nods and stands up.

"hey, thanks for opening up to me- I know it was hard..maybe open up to Lucy too when your comfortable. I need to get ready for work why don't me you and Lucy have a movie night and eat tons of food huh?" Tim asks putting his dishes in the sink and Tamara grins
"yes please! But before you go can you make me pancakes" she smirks

Tim rolls his eyes "fine, let me guess 3 pancakes?" Tim asks and Tamara nods
"Thanks officer zaddy"

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