Chapter one

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⚠️ caution this story is filled with acts of violent sexual abuse. and sexual actions. if this in any way triggers you or causes mental issues, please do NOT read. I will not be heald responsible for failure anyone who doesn't proceed with caution. Thank you, Silky

Four years later:

She was excited about the new job of the new school. She had worked hard to get to where she was today. Spent eight years in college four to get her lawyer degree. Another four to get her teaching degree and then another tree Spent in law school just to finish up her education. Now she was going to be teaching at a high school and she couldn't wait. While on the side, she was going to open her own law firm up.

Just before school starts, Jamie pulls into one of the reserved parking spots for teachers and makes her way into the building. She's almost ran over by a young teen girl running out in tears as she reaches for the door. Their eyes only meet for a brief second before the girl hurrys away down the hall. Jamie makes her way to see the man in charge.

She steps into a small office. Behind a counter, a short blonde looks up from her seat. She smiles as she sees Jame.

"Can I help you?" she asked

"Yes, I'm here to see Mr. Norton about the teaching position, " Jamie says

"You must be Mrs. Yates"

"Yes, and it's just Miss"

"OH, sorry,"

"No, it's fine." Jamie smiles

"I'm Delia Flores," she tells her, "excited her hand to Jamie

"You can call me Jamie," she tells her as they shake hands

Delia nods. "Mr. Norton is expecting you this way, please. "

Jamie follows behind the short blue-eyed woman to a closed door. Delia knocks and then waits.

"Yes," the voice behind the door says. It's a strong voice and holds power and authority.

"Miss Yates is here to see you, sir," Delia says

"Come in," he tells them

Both ladies step into the room. Jamie's eyes go to the man that sits behind the desk. He wears a tailored blue suit. His dark brown hair is fixed to perfection. His hazle eyes fixed on her as he took her in.

"Would you like a drink, Miss Yates?" he asks, taking a sip of his own coffee.

"Yes, please," Jemie says, sitting in one of the wing back chairs in front of the desk.

"Mrs Flores, would you please bring Miss Yates a cup of coffee?" Mr. Norton asked

"Yes, sir," Delia says. The little woman hurries out of the room, leaving two alone.

"Welcome to Maple Heights High school Miss Yates"

"Please call me Jamie," she tells him with a smile

"Well, Jamie, welcome to Maple Heights."

"Thank you,"

"I already have your schedule made out," he tells her, sliding a vanilla envelope over to her. Her hands trimble as she reaches out to take it. "nervous Jamie," he asks

She noticed his voice had changed a little, sounding a bit more sexual than before. She smiles as she gets the envelope. "A little, this is my first teaching job," she tells him

"The key is don't show your fear. These children see fear they will run all over you. "

Delia steps back into the room about that time. Jamie couldn't be more than happy. She takes the coffee she offered her with a smile and a thank you.

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