Chapter Two

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⚠️ caution this story is filled with acts of violent sexual abuse. and sexual actions. if this in any way triggers you or causes mental issues, please do NOT read. I will not be heald responsible for failure anyone who doesn't proceed with caution. Thank you, Silky

Sadie starts towards the principals office once again. It was routine for her. Not that she liked going in there it's only because of Christian she even bothers. If he hadn't been so hard on her this morning, she hadn't forgotten to ask. But who was she kidding he was never easy on her. Stepping into the front office, Mrs. Flores looks up at her.

"He's free," Mrs. Flores tells her

Sadie nods, going on into the office. "Hey, sweetheart," he says as the door closes behind her

"Don't Hey sweetheart me," she says. "I only come in here because I need some money," she tells him

"What for and I might give it to you?"


"How much do you need?"

"he needs new clothes." She tells him "and some groceries"

"It'll cost you," he tells her

"What do you want?"

"Don't play dumb with me, Sadie."


"Why must I take it from you?" he asked as he came around the desk. She steps back away from him. She learned long ago to keep her distance from him.

"Because it's the only why you're going get it,"

"Than I can't give you the money."

"He's your child," she snaps at him

"You're not sure about that,"

"He's the one thing I am sure of."

He steps toward her again, and she hits the wall behind her. He takes that last step that separated them. She jumps as he grabs her chin, pulling it up so she looks at him. Her eyes shift, not wanting to look at him.

"We been through this before Sadie," he tells her, "Look at me," he demands, and her eyes come to his slowly. "Give me what I want, and I will give you the money."

"No," She whispers

"Damn you, why do you have to be so hard-headed?" he whispers, kissing her neck

She pushes him back "no" She tells him again

Grabbing her throat, he pushes her into the wall. She sallows not wanting to cry. She had cried so much in her young life.

"Let me go," she screams out, trying to jerk away

His lips were so close to her that she could feel his breath on her face. His free hand traveled down her trimbling body. It was four years ago that he had put his clam on her. And she still fought him every step of the way. She shivers under his touch, and she will not give in to him. But she knows if she didn't she could say goodbye to the money. That meant another week without food. Another week, she would have watched her son suffer.

"What if I just give you a taste?" she asked

"No, I want all of you," he tells her


"Damn it, girl, why do you always push me away?"

"What you're doing to me is wrong, and you know it," she tells him, feeling as the tears come that she tried so hard not to cry

"What are you going to do?" He asked,"Tell the police? You've already tried that. Didn't quite work out for you, did it? "

She closes her eyes as she remembers that day. She had only been twelve years old when he took her innocence away. Yes, she had told everyone, and they all knew the baby was his. They laughed at her called her a whore, and he was still free to do as he pleased.

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