Chapter Five

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⚠️ caution this story is filled with acts of violent sexual abuse. and sexual actions. if this in any way triggers you or causes mental issues, please do NOT read. I will not be heald responsible for failure anyone who doesn't proceed with caution. Thank you, Silky

The next day, Jamie didn't see Sadie at all. She hoped that nothing was wrong and the girl was alright. Taking time between classes, she went to talk to Gage. She was a little nervous about going to see him after what Sadie had told her. She didn't know if she believed her or not. She didn't really know what she was going to say to him. She knew that she felt he had done her wrong by kicking her out of school all because she is pregnant, especially if he truly is the father. As she walks into the office, she notices Delia isn't at her desk. That's the first Delia is always there. What was going on today. She knocks at the door to his office.

"Yes," Gage says behind the door

"Can we speak?" she asked

Gage smiles at the sound of her voice. He really liked Miss Yates. Thought she was very beautiful. If Sadie wouldn't marry him, just maybe he could get Jamie to marry him.

"Come in,"

She steps into the dimly lit room.  Closing the door behind her. She noticed that he wears jeans today. It wasn't like him. Usually, he had kaki's on.

"Please have a seat," he tells her

She goes around sitting in one of the cream color wing back chairs in the office.

"I'm glad you came by," Gage says. "I need to talk to you about what you heard yesterday."

"That's why I came by, actually," she says

"I see."

"Are you really going to kick that girl out for being pregnant?"

He smiles, and she's thinking ass hole "Sadie and I have talked about it and came to an agreement," he tells her

In agreement, she looks at him. "So she stays," she asked

"As long as she sticks to the agreement,"

She sits back in the chair, really studying him. "Sadie told me something yesterday that has me curious."

"Did she?" he asked

He stands going around his desk to get closer to her. He would have to have a talk with Sadie to remind her of her place.

"If what she says is true, you're a very sick individual, Mr. Norton."

The corner of his lips twitch. Jamie stands to get away from his wondering eyes as they travel her body.

"What we do in this town stays in this town, Miss Yates," he tells her. "You'll be good to remember that. Keep your nose out of everyone else's business. "

He pushes away from the desk, and she shivers as he steps closer to her.

"Is that a threat, Gage?" she asked

He smiles. "I don't make threats, Jamie, I make promises."

He steps toward her once again, and she steps towards the door. "Have a good day, sir," she says

"And you as well,"

He watches as she slips out the door. He laughs at how uncomfortable he makes her feel. One day, he will have his way with her. He takes his place behind his desk once again.

She was late getting to school this morning. When she got to the room, Miss Yates wasn't there yet. Later, when Miss Yates finally steps into the room, their eyes meet for a brief moment. Sadie wondered what was going on. When the bell rang, she started getting her stuff ready to go see Gage.

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