Chapter Thirteen

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⚠️ caution this story is filled with acts of violent sexual abuse. and sexual actions. if this in any way triggers you or causes mental issues, please do NOT read. I will not be heald responsible for failure anyone who doesn't proceed with caution. Thank you, Silky

Something was wrong. Sadie could feel it even as she walked through the halls of the school she could tell that something was about to happen. She had been to see Gage that morning and he was acting wried asked her wried questions about Christian. Did he find out about the plan to arrest him? To get her and Christian out of Maple Heights?

Trevor sees Sadie and sprites to catch up to her. He knew he was taking a chance talking to her out in public, but he really didn't care.

"You alright?" he whispers

"Something doesn't seem right," she tells him

"You wanna meet up tonight?" he asked

"I'll text you," she tells him

He nods, and they trun into their classroom, both of them going their separate ways.

Jamie noticed as Sadie and Trevor came into the room. Last night, Ellie had left to go back to New York. Even had stayed behind to be here for Jamie. She knew that it was about to get ugly, but she didn't know how soon.

Gage calls Cathy as soon as Sadie lifts the office this morning.

"Gage is everything alright," Cathy asked

"It's time, Cathy," he says

"He's just a baby," she says

"We need to do this now before Sadie fucks up"

"She won't Gage, I'll keep her in line"

"I had a visitor yesterday from an Detective from New York"

"You think Sadie did this"

"No, but someone is snoopy around. And you know as well as I do if Sadie tastes freedom she's not going look back"

"Promase me it won't hurt him" she says

"We do this to ever male in the village" he replys

"Gage, promase me"

"I'll look after the boy"

She let's out a breath of relief. She knew this day would come when they would have to sacrifice Christian to the altar but she had thought he would be much older. Sixteen was the age they usually did the ritual. She had seen many young men die while doing the ritual. The ones that served where the strongest ones.

"When do I need to have him ready" she asked Gage

"Friday, don't say a word to Sadie about this"

"Of course not"

He hangs up with her setting back in his chair. He called the mayor to let him know he'd talked with Cathy and it was set up. He wasn't concerned much about the boy he main concern was Sadie.

After school Sadie made her way home some reason she needed to be with Christian she felt she had to be with him. As she opens the door the tot runs into her arms.

"Mommy" he squeals

"Hey punkin head" she says picking him up

"You're home early" Cathy says from the living room chair

"I didn't have anything else to do."

"What about Gage"

"He didn't need me"

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