Chapter Fourteen

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⚠️ caution this story is filled with acts of violent sexual abuse. and sexual actions. if this in any way triggers you or causes mental issues, please do NOT read. I will not be heald responsible for failure anyone who doesn't proceed with caution. Thank you, Silky

As soon as she heard Trevor's truck pull up outside, she ran to get in.

"Did you get ahold of Gage?" Trevor asked

"No, God Trevor, something bad is happening. I just know it is,"

"We're going find him," he tells her

Her phone rings, and she answers without even thinking, "Hello."

"Sadie,I talked to Ellie," Jamie says

"Mss Yates, they got Christian." Sadie cuts her off

"What you mean?" Jamie asked

"I came home, and the house was empty. I tried to call mom and Gage nether one answers. I don't know what's going on.

Trevor slows down as he gets into town. Around the square in town, cars fell the road, making it hard to get around.

"What is going on?" Trevor asked

"What is it?" Jamie asked over the phone

"The whole town is parked in the square," Sadie explained

Trevor stops the truck, and both of them get out.

"I'll call you back, Mss Yates," Sadie tells her

"Be careful," Jamie tells her

"We will,"

Trevor takes her hand as they start toward the center of the park, where it looks like the others have gathered. They stay far enough away so not to be seen. Everyone wore a black hood robe, and they seemed to be chanting.

Trevor cups his hand over her mouth, keeping her from screaming as both of them see little Christian. The small child is lying naked up on a slap. Gage and Cathy stand beside him as does the mayor and his young wife. Trevor feels tears as they roll down over his hand. He pulls her into a shaded wooden area out of sight from the others.

"We have to be careful baby there are a lot more of them than us," he whispers

She nods as more tears slip down her cheek. Slowly, he releases her. Her phone buzzs in her pocket, and she answers quickly, not wanting to draw any attention.

"Sadie, is everything alright?" Jamie asked

"Miss Yates," Sadie says, crying

Trevor takes her phone "Miss Yates,"

"Trevor, what's going on?" Jamie asked

"They have Christian on some kind of alter. It looks like some kind of witch craft or something. Everyone is in robes. Gage and the mayor are at the front, along with Sadie's mom. "

"I'll call Ellie. Let her know what's happening, and she can send someone out to help,"

"We need to get out now," Trevor tells her

"I understand."

"I think I have a plan," he tells her. "I'll call you even if it fails."

"Just be careful, Trevor."

"We will,"

He hangs up. Sadie looks at him. "What plan?" she asked

"Sadie, I love you," he tells her, "Don't ever forget that."

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