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I am sitting in my room, on my bed, reading a book I started a few days ago. I heard a knock on my door and said, "Come in." I saw my mother opening the door and coming in, sitting on my bed beside me.

"What are you doing?" my mother asked.

"I am reading my book." I replied.

"I actually wanted to tell you that the new neighbors have shifted, and we should give them something as they are new." My mother said. We have a big portion of our house for rent, so that portion is given to the new neighbors who moved in a week ago, and now my mother wants to give them something.

"Make something good in food and then give it to them." I suggested.

"I am thinking of making something sweet." my mother said.

"Okay, then make something sweet." I said, putting the bookmark in my book and closing it. Now I am fully focused on my mother's words.

"I will make kheer today." My mother said.

I smiled because she knows how much I love kheer, and I will also get a chance to eat it. I hugged her and said, "Thank you."

"I will make it, then you will go and deliver it." she said.

"Why should I go and deliver it?" I asked. I am wearing black loose pajamas with a white baggy shirt today because I was at home, so I thought to be comfortable, and now I will have to change my clothes just to deliver the kheer. Wow.

"Because Maria is not home, and your dad is also not at home." My mother explained. Maria is my younger sister, and she is gone outside with her friends and will come at night. Which means I am the only option left at my house. I made an ugly face and took a deep breath.

"Okay, I will go." I said.

"Good girl." My mother said, and she stood up and went into the kitchen.

Today is Sunday, the perfect and my favorite day because on Sundays, I sleep very much and I don't even touch my books to study. All I do is use my mobile, read my fictional books, and just lay on my bed. But now I have to change clothes. I am getting very lazy, and I really don't want to go and change clothes.

I am thinking of calling my best friend, Hania today, because she will also get a chance to eat kheer, and then we can go out as well.

I stood up and walked towards my study table, took my phone, dialed Hania, and was waiting for her to pick up. After the third ring, she picked up the call.

"Hello." Hania said.

"Hi." I replied.

"Am I watching a dream or what? My friend called me on Sunday." Hania said in a shocking tone, making me giggle.

"I called you because I want you to come to my house." I said.

"Why?" Hania asked.

"My mother is making kheer, and you also like it. We can also go out and enjoy our day, what do you say?" I asked.

"That's a great idea. I am going to get ready, and after 45 minutes, I will be at your house." Hania said.

"Perfect." I said and disconnected the call.

It's 5:00 pm in the evening, so I placed my phone on my table and walked towards my cupboard to take out a pair of clothes. I looked through some outfits and took out a three-piece light green shalwar kameez. I then went into my washroom, washed my face, and also did wudhu. After changing my clothes, I came outside and wore my dupatta as a scarf to offer my prayers. I offered my Asr prayer, and after offering them, I looked at the time, it was 5:32 pm, and after 15 minutes, Hania will be here.

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