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I came home  early today because I had no more meetings. I was tired as I only slept for 4 hours due to reading Aliyah's diary. After a shower, I put on my comfy grey sweatpants and shirt.

Approaching the drawer where I kept Aliyah's diary, I wanted to put it back, so I went up to the terrace. As I approached, I heard someone talking. I didn't come out but started listening from the back of the door. I saw a girl in her mid-20s talking on her phone with her friend, I guess.

"Phupho and Haroon are coming today to meet Aliyah. I can't come today because I have to help Mama." she said. Haroon is coming today, and he might try to hurt Aliyah. I should do something.

"I don't know why, but Aliyah was not happy when I told her that they are coming. I saw fear in her eyes. Maybe I am wrong." she added.
She is scared because he is coming, and she is praying to run away from here, thinking about how not to meet this Haroon.

"They will come at 5:00 pm." she mentioned. It's 2:30 pm in the afternoon. I should do something. I went to my room, placed the diary back in the drawer, and went downstairs.

"Ammi, how is Nadir uncle's daughter?" I asked, entering the kitchen where she was making dinner.

"She is not so fine. I will go and meet her today." she said.

"I also want to meet her." I said.

"Don't you have work?" she asked.

"I can go." I replied.

"Ok, we will go after 7:00 pm." she said.

"No Ammi, I am not free then. Can we go now after 3:00 pm?" I suggested.

"Let me ask your father." she said, walking towards her room. She came out after 5 minutes.

"Go and change your clothes then. Also, tell Zarar to come with us." she said.

"Great." I said and went upstairs to my room. I will go and meet her and ask if she wants to join us for some food, and I know she will say yes because she will find a way to avoid meeting Haroon.

I changed my clothes, wore a black shirt with black pants, and brushed my hair. I went outside and saw Zarar heading into his room. I quickly went towards him.

"Zarar." I said, placing my hands on his shoulders.

"What happened, bhai?" he asked.

"We have to go to Nadir uncle's house." I said.

"Bhai, leave me, I don't want to go." he replied.

"Think about it, bro, because he has two daughters, and what if you like them?" I suggested.

"Give me two minutes so I can freshen up," he said and went into his room.
Sometimes my brother is a bit of a loafer type.

I came downstairs and everyone was ready, and we were waiting for Zarar to come. After 5 minutes, he finally came downstairs. He had just washed his face.

We headed outside of our house and walked towards Nadir uncle's gate. Zarar rang the bell, which was beside the gate. After a couple of seconds, a girl opened the door.

She was the girl who was talking upstairs on the terrace. She had mid-shoulder-length hair, dark brown eyes, and her skin was neither fair nor brown. She was confident compared to Aliyah, and I could feel that she was not scared of anyone. She is a girl who can beat anyone if they talk bad about her.

"Assalamualaikum." she greeted.

"Walikumassalam." we all said at the same time.

"You are our new neighbor, right? Salim uncle?" She asked.

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