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2 hours earlier:

I was having a meeting in a hotel when my phone started ringing. I saw the caller ID and it was Tariq, the bodyguard I hired for Aliyah.

"Excuse me, I have to take this call." I said and got up from the table and walked outside from the hotel. I picked up the call.

"Hello?" I said.

"Sir Haroon and his two friends are going towards Miss Aliyah's table where she just went to have her lunch." Tariq said. I was about to say to go and handle it but I thought to go and handle the situation by myself.

"Tariq do one thing. Make a video of them while I am coming." I said. By making this video she can show it to her parents and Aliyah will be free.

"Yes sir." Tariq said and disconnected the call. My meeting was almost over but I cannot talk more so I apologized and started driving my car. The hotel was near Aliyah's university and in five minutes I was there.

I closed the door of my room, leaving Aliyah and I went downstairs to explain everything to my parents. They were in the living room, sitting quietly, I guess waiting for me. I walked in there and sat on a single sofa opposite to my parents.

"Will you explain me everything?" My dad asked.

"Aliyah's fiancee was marrying her only for her money and he would leave her after taking her both plots. She asked me for help and I married her." I said. I won't tell them that we only married each other for two months.

"Didn't you tell her parents about her fiancee?" Ammi asked.

"We did tell them but they told Aliyah to get out of their house." I said.

"Poor girl. She is going through a lot." Ammi said. She really is going through a lot.

"Armaan take care of her. Whatever happened is shocking for everyone but you will take care of her." Dad said.

"I will take care of her, don't worry." I said.

"You didn't even realize about the relatives. Now we have to answer their questions when they will come to know about your marriage." Ammi said.

"Tell them that Aliyah wanted a simple Nikkah without relatives and we will arrange a grand reception when Aliyah's parents will be normal." Dad said. What should I do now? They want to arrange a reception. I can't say anything.

"I'll go and check Aliyah." I said and got up, they nodded and I went upstairs towards my room. I opened the door and saw Aliyah but she wasn't there. Where did she go? Her dupatta was on the bed. I guess she is in the washroom. I walked towards the bathroom and placed my ears on the door and I heard sounds of water coming out from the tap. She is inside. I sighed in relief and sat on the bed. I will go tomorrow and talk to her parents and explain everything to them.

I took out my phone and messaged Samar to cancel the meetings which I had today and tomorrow. Aliyah is disturbed and she needs someone. She is angry at me too.

She came out of the bathroom, her face was wet because of the water she splashed on her face and her eyes, her eyes were swollen and red. She cried too much. She saw me and came towards the bed to take the dupatta and wore it. She sat on the other side of the bed, far away from me. She is ignoring me.

"I will go tomorrow and talk to your parents." I said, trying to start a conversation with her. She didn't even say anything. I looked at Aliyah, she was looking outside from the window.

"Can you leave me alone please?" She said. Her voice too low but enough for me to hear. I got up and walked outside from the room. I can understand her. This is her self defense mechanism which is to stay alone in the room and cry alot. Completely isolating herself. But miss Aliyah, this is the last time you are crying and after that there won't be a single drop of tear in your eyes.

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