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Kevin's POv (tbh I don't remember if Kevin was even in the last Chapter, but let's go with it)

What type of sick guy black mails their daughter by recording them doing....there thing?!?!

"Didn't they put a restringing order on this guy?" Avi muttered. They did, but like he gave a crap.

"Baby, come on we have to go pick our renue for the wedding." Erica said.

"Okay but, we're taking Austin. Scott and Kirstie need a break." I said.

"My little bundle of joy!!!" She seems excited.

"Awwwww, so Kevin, how many kids are you having?" Avi said with a laugh

"No-" "4" Erica interrupted.

"Four it is!" He said with a week grin. Four, yayyy! Who am I kidding!!!!

Scott's POV

"So can we see this video?" I said in a calm tone.

Personally, I thought he was joking when he said he had a video of us but, he really wasn't. He has hidden camera's inour house!!

He pulled it up on our computer, like a dumb ass, and showed it to us. He does realize that we can pull it back up and sue. But, let me not.

"What do you want?" Kirstie asked



"Your second child!" We're not even expecting!!!!

"No! You will not have any part of my family!" I screamed in pain.

"Kirstie. I want her! Or the video leaks and I take Austin." I feel like a bullet went through my heart.

She looked at me as if she was gonna do it.

"No" I said below a whisper "Not my wife."

"It's okay. Promise you'll look for me?" Her eyes told me she was dyimg, but her heart was broken out of love.

"I always did. I love you." I said, tears rolling down my face, pulling her into a tight hug.

"As soon as I find you, it will be the death of you." I promised the demonic sprit. He laughed and grib Kirstie and drove away. There was no point of running after her. Wow. Just.... Wow.

Backkkk I love you guys

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