Photo Shoot

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Scott's POV

"Have you ever thought about putting this kid in modeling?"

"Yep." Me and Kirstie reply.

"And are you going to do it? He can get a lot of jobs." The photographer suggested.

"Nope. With Scott and I already being famous and Austin is known everywhere, I don't he'll need modeling. Besides, I think modeling is more for girls." Agreed.

"Alright, here's my card if you every changed your minds." I took the card.

"Thanks, ummm.... Jax." I said reading the name of the card. We too our album photos, and our family photos. Kirstie, Erica, and Esther decided to take photos of them together and that just left us guys.

"Kevin, when are you going to ask her?" I asked bring all the attention to Kevin.

"When I buy the ring."

"Dude, it's been a month, why haven't you bought the ring?" Mitch asked in exciement waiting to here this answer.

"Erica has been so, clingy. She's reading messages, asking questions and always on my back. I love her, but if I buy the ring, she'll find it, no doubt." Kevin has a good reason. If I asked Kirstie to marry me the traiditional way, she would have found out the same day I brought the ring! She's a nijia.

"We'll, she might think your acting a little on edge lately, which you are, and wants to make sure it's not your releationship." Mitch recomended.

"I think that if I want to marry Shelly, I might as well just come out with it and not buy a ring. Like Scott." Avi side.

"I wasn't really thinking, all I now is that irstie kinda got ticked off after I peed on myself." I said in embressedment.

"Yep, that was so funny. Austin's even laughing." Mitch pointed out. He really was.

"Laugh all you want Mitch but don't forget that time where your godson over here peed on your face while changing his diper. And that same day used you as a braf bag." I got him now.


Just then, the ladies came back from their shoot.

"Our turn, come on guys."

"Should I take Austin?"

"He is a guy." Mitch replyed.

"Alright, let's do this."

The pictures went great and now we get to go home. We side goodbye and Kirstie,Austin, and I went home.

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