Music And Family

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Scott's POV

Wow. My son is six months and his moving pretty fast. Eating like regular foods. He loves cheeseburgers, thanks a lot Avi. He's been babbling a lot. And he is scooting. He likes music. Yay! That makes me so happy. Speaking of music...

"Austin, do you want to play paino?" He stopped playing and turned and looked at me. And yes he knows his name. He crawled stright to me. No problem.

"Kirstie!!! He's Crawling!!!" I yelled. She ran with her pants to her wasit. I couldn't help but laugh.

"Shut up! Make him crawl again." She demanded. I put him back to play with toys.

"Austin, come here buddy." He just looked at me.

"He's crawling alright." Kirstie chuckled.

"I got it. Austin you wanna play the paino?" He giggled and crawled right to me.

"That's my boy!" I yelled in excitement.

"My little man!" Kirstie said pinching his cheeks that made him gighle and twist.

"We are going to need gates if he is going to start crawling." Kirstie said sitting next to us.

"But for now let's sing to him. He likes music y'know?" Austin was bouncing around and laughing. I played "All of Me" and Kirstie and I sang to Austin. I looked at Kirstie a couple times and she blushed.

When the song was over, Austin started to hit the paino and looked at Kirstie as if he was asking her " am I doing this right" and she shook her head yes. Then he looked at me and I shook my head yes. He was laughing up a storm. He was always so happy.

Kirstie's POV

Scott, Austin and I were just releaxing by the paino when the door rang.

"I'll get it." I waked up to the door.

I opened and low and behold who was standing there....


"Umm, hello Kirstin." I quickly shut the door and locked it.

"Scott! Hide Austin! My dad's here and I haven't talk to him in years and he doesn't know about you, Pentatonix, or Austin. Go!" Good thing all the baby's things were not laying all over the place. He tried to hurt me when I was born, who knows what he'll do to Austin. I took of my wedding ring and went back to the door.

"Kirstin, how are you? I haven't seen you since you were, six? Hows life?" He was talking like he cared for me.

"What, what, what do you want? You left my mom before Iwas born and tried yo kill me and now you just pop up?" Oh, I'm pissed.

"Ok, I heard about Pentatonix and I saw that you guys were staying in L.A. so, I wanted to see you and see hows life. What I did to you and your mother is in the past. Now is now. Let's live that in the past. So anyone speical in your life?"

"That's not your problem, now, leave goodbye."

"But I want to meet this boyfriend of yours?"

"He's not my bofriend. He's my husband. Yes I am married now get out!" I shouted at the top lungs. Just then, Scott.came.down.the.stairs. WITHOUT AUSTIN!!!

I gave.him a look and mouthed sleeping. Thank god.

"Are you Kirstin's husband?" My dad asked reaching out for his hand.

"Yes and you might be..." He replyed taking his hand.

"Max, her father." Scott's face was friendly was but his eyes said otherwise. I know he wanted to bet the leaving hell out of him.

"So tell me, how.are you treating my girl?" I just rolled my eyes. Your girl, your girl. How many other half brother and sisters do I have? I bet I have some as young 10!

"No better then anyone eles would."

"Oh really? Better then her on dad? I doubt it" How dare he.

"Get. Out.Now!" I was turn red, I can feel it.

"Now listine to me Kirstin, I am only looking out for you. So if I found out anything eles, your coming with me." He pointed.

"You get your finger out of her face.“ Scott pushed me behind him. I heard Austin start to cry.

"Is that, a child? You have a KID!"

"Thanks for coming, nice meeting you, fell free never to come back. Bye!"Scott said pushing him out.

I ran to Austin's crib. I picked him up and held him.

"It's okay, it's okay, mommy's here." Scott walkec in.

"Can we stay with Mitch to night?" I asked.

"Sure,I'll call him." This is not good.

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