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Scott's POV

My father in law is such a...UGH! How in the world do you just walk into your daughters house looking for forgiveness and you haven't seen her since she was 6! Now, she has a husband and a child and your going to like, kill us? Oh dear God, now would be a good time to call my mom and dad and ask for advise.

"Scotty! How are you? Hows the baby and Kirstie? I haven't talked to you in so long!" Typical mom.

"That was last week, mom. But anyways, we have a problem. Kirstie's dad just showed up out of blue and now, he's after Austin. And us."


"Mom.What do I do?"

"Me and Ms.M talked about this. What you guys is go to a friebds house but not Mitch!"

"But mom!"

"No butts! Do you wanna save that child or not? Ok. Go to someone like Esther. He doesn't know about her. Go with the guys find him. You can turn him into the cops cause he is supopse to be in jail or kill him. You won't get in troble. Trust me. Now, go take care of my babies."

"Thanks mom. We love you. Hey, Austin can crawl when you say paino or start singing!" Well, I had to gibe her updates.

"Awww, he does have music running in his blood, like his mommy and daddy. Bye, Scott. Tell Kirstie I said hi.".

"Bye mommy" I hung up and saw Kirstie already packed up.

"Well, let's go." She said. She has been looking a bit sickish. The way she has been when she was pregeant...No! That's not possible. We didn't do anything.....

I buckled Austin in, put the bags in the car and headed to Esther's.

While we driving, I decided to ask her about her sickness.

"Kirstie, why have you been so sick?"

"I don't know." She continued looking at the window. When I asked, she seld down in her chair a bit more.

"Are you pregeant?" She looked at me and give me that, are you crazy face.

"I know you want another kid, but Austin isn't old enough yet. When he's 1 and a half, then we can talk. And I had Indian chilli two days ago and my stomach exploded." That explains the bad gas.

"Ok. I want a little Kirstie." I saud grabbing her hand.

"And I have a baby Scott." She kissed me. I smiled and Austin laughed.

We were almost there and then the strangest thing happened...

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