The Playdate

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Scott's POV

"Today, on May 10, I know pronuce you 4 months." I said to Austin. He just sat their and giggled.

"Wow, 4 months ago, I was huge. I still got that baby fat though." Kirstie said.

"But, your still are prefect to me." I said. That made her glow. I'm sure she knows that she's prefect to me.

"Thanks babe. I'll get Austin ready for his playdate with Oliva. You, fix up the house and put out the toys." She picked Austin out of his highchair and started a bath.

Kirstie's POV

"Be nice to Oliva." He looked right into my eyes and gave me a blink look.

"I have something that you have to give to her." I pulled out a pink puppy holding a heart. He looked so cute in his little 'Heartbreker' shirt.

"Kirstie, Oliva and her mom is here." Scott yelled.

"Okay. Remeber what I told you. Share, care, and smile." He giggled like crazy.

"Come on Austin, let's go say hi to Oliva." I picked him and we walked down stairs.

Scott's POV

"Here comes Austin." Kirstie annunoced. Oliva was playingin a tye of chair. She was gigling at something and Austin heard her and went crazy and thourgh a fit.

"Austin!" I heard Kirstie yell.

"What happened?" I asked while taking Austin away from Kirstie.

"He kicked me right in the boob." She said. I tryed so hard ot to laugh.

"Stop it!" She said hitting me.

"Austin do have something to give to Oliva?" I helped him hold out the puppy. She lovd it. They had so much fun. For month kids, their pretty advince. I should use that and have Austin play piano when he gets older.

"Oliva, we have to go now." Said her mother, Julie.

"Say bye bye Austin." I made him wave his arm and Oliva's mom did the same to her.

"That was so nice little man." I said to Austin.

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