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Scott's POV

So ummmmm... Why the hell is this mad man sitting in my best friends house? Practically mine.

"Ummmm... why are you here?" Mitch asked calmly. This isn't good what so ever. MITCH IS NEVER CALM!!!

"Wishing my grandson and my daughter a happy birthday."

"Bye what? Stripping us a part! Just because you're life was missed up, you weren't in mines, and now you want us to be the same? Sorry. This is not like father like daughter." Kirstie scolded him.

He took a step closer. Austin was looking somewhere. At someone. I pretended not to see. He started walking towards the door at the end of the hallway.

There was Avi, Kevin, and Esther. Encouraging him to come to them. Thank Goodness.

"Please just leave." I said

"I'd rather die than to watch you all be happy."

"Then why don't you, you bastard!" Kirstie yelled back.

Max stepped closer to us three. Mitch's grip got so tight that the cup with orange juice broke. Blood was streaming down his hand. I think his anger mad it num.

"Wow. I'm so scared."

With that. Mitch punched him right in his jaw. One to the nose and to the stomach.

Max looked at Kirstie. He slapped her. He punched her. With that I jumped his back just to defend her. Who the heck does he think he is, thinking that he can touch my wife like that?

"You son of a b*tch. That's not your daughter. And don't you even say those words ever again. You don't deserve the title of a father. Look what you did to Lucey. It's all your fault and you no it!" He was under headlock. Then he got out. And looked directly at Austin.

"Hell. No. Not my son." Kirstie ran to get him. Think Scott, Think.

I got it. Austin's girlfriend will save his life.

"Go. Take the car keys with Esther. Go straight to Oliva's house." She nodded.

"But what about-"

"Go!" Avi said. Pushing them out the door. Max tried to run out after them but Kevin got in the way. We tied him up and put him the middle of the room.

"Kevin. Take care of Mitch's hand please." Avi asked still trying to avoid looking at the bloody mess he saw.

"What do want from me? Me and Kirstie? Us? Our families? Pentatonix? Just What?!?!?" I questioned. This is really something I needed to be answered.

"My daughter back." Avi automatically slapped him.

"Don't call her that. A father would never not be in there children's lives. And when they are, never abuse them. You jackass." Avi sounded pissed.

Kirstie's POV

We finally got to Oliva's house. I really don't feel well. My head is spinning. I feel sick. My period is late though. It's January 31. It's never late. Wait...Nope. Can't be. I am Not Pregnant. Can't be. Austin's barley one!

"Esther. I need a pregnancy test. ASAP!" I yelled while in the car.

"Pray that it's a false alarm." Me too. We mad a U-Turn.I just need to run. Runaway from life all together. I got the test. I just took it in a Target bathroom. No time to care about that, though.

False Alarm. Thank God. I can sleep.

"Essy, it's false. Probably my period coming soon." We got back to Oliva's house. I checked in my baby. His okay.

We knocked on the door and David came out.

"Hey Kirstie. Happy birthday Austin."

I told David our situation. He told me that he would watch Austin. His wife and two older sisters where there, who are so nice. His safe.

"Bye, Aussy. Momma and Daddy love you." I kissed his forehead and Esther and I drove back to Mitch's house

Sorry for such slow updates. I'm writing a book with my best friend on wattpad so... it's been busy.

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