Everyone is welcome to listen...

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Everyone is welcome to listen to he teaching provided by the Kachina priests.

And often I attend, sitting behind the children, to relearn what I learned myself as a child.

The teacher speaks slowly, using large gestures. He sometimes illustrates his words with figures that she traces on the wall using sticks of pigment.

In the beginning, everything was nothingness, empty, infinite, without duration, form or movement.

In this void, the breath of life took shape: it was Taiowa, the Spirit.

Taiowa took the meaningless breath, gave it extension and weight, and it was matter.

And Taiowa's word is Sotuknang, and this word is the energy that moves the world towards its future.

So Sotuknang set to work. He gathered matter and separated it into nine universes: one for Taiowa, one for himself and seven for the life to come.

To assist him in his task of giving life, Sotuknang created Sister Spider.

It is Sister Spider who watches over the underworld, queen of the realm of dreams, guardian of the kiva hidden within each of us, mistress of our secret name.

Sister Spider created the first two twins, Puukonhoya and Palunhoya, with a little dust mixed with her saliva. She entrusted them with keeping the Earth in motion and the harmony of the universe resonating, just like the human body, for this was Taiowa's plan.

Then Sister Spider created the first four couples with different clays: yellow, red, white and black. From these came the races that formed the first People.

Sotuknang granted speech to the human species. He also endowed us with vibratory centers placed in various parts of our bodies, to perceive and resonate the harmony of the universe. The most important vibratory center is our kopavi, at the top of our head.

Finally, he created the rites that give rhythm to our lives.

Dreaming is the most sacred rite of our people. As we sleep, in our secret kiva, we become Sotuknang's companions.

We were created for this purpose, and it is the condition of our existence: to help Sotuknang bring the worlds to life.

For life to prevail

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