chapter 19

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Hey lovelies! Thank you for all the support and almost 200 views! Can't wait for more! Love you all! ;)

Chapter 19
Atticus groaned as he pulled his clothes on, it had been a few weeks since he had left to the ice domain with killian. He wore a light outfit; they would not be leaving the castle today. He had a overall style put together, but it was still interchangeable, he didn't like to wear just one type of clothing genre.
"Ahh!" Atticus yelped when killian pinched his sides.
"Atti? What has you so focused my love?" Killian asked, chucking softly.
"I don't know what I want to wear...!" Atticus groaned softly, leaning against the dresser and dragged his hand down his face. Killian kept a straight face, although it was not extremely successful. He stuttered out a quiet laugh.
"You sound like a woman; I suppose it is fitting however." Killian teased.
"Hey!" Atticus scowled at killian.
"I mean no harm. I find it endearing y'know? Your different than most of my people. Your kind." Killian smiled. He turned and rummaged through the drawer a moment, before pulling out a dress shirt with a white and gold scarf. "Keep the pant you have right now on. Wear this shirt." Killian said, grabbing the bracelet he got Atticus from the shops, and sliding it on the boy's smaller wrist.
"Thank you, killian." Atticus huffed in exasperation.
"Your very welcome atti." Atticus rolled his eyes at the sarcasm, before walking towards the bathroom.
"You know? You don't have to change in the bathroom." Killian said suggestively.
"W-what?" Atticus stuttered, stopping on the spot.
"Well, I have already seen you naked so it's not a big deal if you change in front of me." Killian smirked, winking at Atticus. Atticus spluttered with indignation. Atticus didn't have time to process the words before killian was upon him, taking large strides toward as him. Atticus yelped and bolted the other direction and attempted to make a swerve into the bathroom but was rather unsuccessful. He jumped over the bed, knocking over a few candles, luckily unlit. Killian jumped after him, wrapping his hand around Atticus's wrist and pulling him back with a soft tug, pulling the both of them on the ed. Atticus kicked and struggled, kneeing killing in the stomach. He flew away and onto the floor, killian fell over next to him, using one arm to wrap around Atticus's waist.
"You are so going to pay for that." He grimaced. Killian flipped Atticus on top of him, letting Atticus's legs straddle his waist. He pushed his hands up Atticus's shirt, pulling the clothing off of him. He looked at the shirt across the room.
"Well, would you look at that. You don't have a shirt to put on right now." Killian mused.
"Yes, I do! You're holding it!" Atticus yelped, covering his chest with a flushed face, his shoulders shivering.
"Not anymore." Killian threw the shirt across the room, grinning at Atticus. Atticus cried out in frustration.
"Gods, killian! I hate you." Atticus turned his head away, crossing his arms.
"Mmh. I'm sure you do atti." Killian's a there for a moment, watching Atticus pout. He didn't wait long however, he leaned up, trappings Atticus between his legs and chest.
"Hello." Killian waved softly.
Atticus buried his head in Killian's chest. Killian chuckled and brought his hands further up Atticus's chest, resting his hands on the soft buds. They quickly hardened under the cool feeling of Killian's hands.
"How cute. It's as if they know you want my attention." Killian teased. He released his hold on Atticus, letting him run off, pulling the shirt over his head, Atticus glared at killian.
"I, hate you." Atticus said, stalking off to the bathroom to take care of his little problem, pushing into his pants uncomfortably.
Once again, Atticus forgot about the compass, he let a shuddering breathe she shut the door closed.
"Hello!" Atticus yelped. Looking around, he saw nothing.
"What? What was that?" Atticus swerved around.
"Down here!" He looked below him; he yelped as he saw a tiny face in the compass. He struggled to pull it off.
"Mephisto?" Atticus asked quietly, ignoring the bulge in his pants for now.
"Hello, little hatchling." He greeted, he was somewhere different now, no longer in aamons castle.
"What did I about you about calling me that! I don't like it!" Atticus hissed out.
"I hope you know that it will not stop me, your opinion on what I call you does not matter to me. I call you such a thing because you are a hatchling, practically a baby of this land." Mephisto explained. "You are fresh meat; everyone wants a piece of you." He grinned, "including me."
"I'm not some tool to be used." Atticus said, frustrated, he was beginning to feel sore from not being able to relieve himself of his now raging boner.
"If you don't have something important to tell me, then stop bothering me." Atticus whined.
"Oh, but I do! You see, Aamon has contacted me, apparently an angel is looking for you? I figured you would like to know, I think this angel might have bad intentions, if you ever need a place to come to, my castle is always open for you, little hatchling." Mephisto chuckled. "Now, I will leave you, you are clearly impatient to get rid of your little problem. Down there, you and killian have clearly been enjoying each other, it has been quite entertaining to watch." Mephisto grinned.
"Wha-"Atticus began, but mephisto was gone. "He saw... everything?" Atticus whispered in despair, a bead of sweat rolling down the side of his neck. He shivered nervously, not liking that mephisto knew what had gone on between him and killian. Atticus sighed and pulled the shirt over his head, opening the bathroom door, Atticus saw killian.
"Did something happen? You seem.... off. Different than you were a few minutes ago." Killian held Atticus's face worriedly.
"I'm fine... mephisto, he just-"Atticus started. "Never mind."
"No Atticus, please, I understand if you're not comfortable, but I promise, whatever you tell me will not cause me harm." Killian consoled.
"He... he knows killian. He has seen us. He watched us...y'know." Atticus said awkwardly. "He also...he said there was someone coming for angel.:" Atticus glanced around nervously, fidgeting with his hands.
"He what?" Killian whispered, a deadly silence filling the room.
"I'm sorry killian, I never thought that he would be watching or listening, and I know your probably mad at me, I can leave if you want, but please don't make me find somewhere else to go. Please-"Atticus rambled, tears slipping down his face.
"Atticus! Hey, stop. You are not who I am mad at, I am worried about the angel, and I am pissed that he had the audacity to eavesdrop and spy." Killian growled, his tail clinking as the icicles clicked together with the motion.
"O-okay." Atticus whispered nervously, not wanting killian to be any more angry than he already was. He remembered how Aamon got to behaving towards Atticus when he was mad.
"Atticus, I am not Aamon, please don't perceive me such. I promise you that I will never take my wrath out on you." Killian* held Atticus close. They were interrupted by a knock on the door. Killian walked over to open it.
"Sir? There is someone who has passed the barrier, the golems haven't defended against them. It appears to be a man, an angel man." The servant said. "Shall we shoot him down?"
Killian thought for a moment, he went to answer when Atticus interjected.
"No! Don't shoot him down, please!" Atticus cried out.
"I was also going to say no. I think this stranger might be important. Let him pass. He should be here in a day or so." Killian mused.
"Sir...are you sure?" The servant said hesitantly.
"Are you questioning my orders?" Killian growled.
"No sir." The servant backed away quickly. "I will make sure to inform the other servants of your decision. Thank you for you time master killian." The servant spoke, honeying up his words, attempting to gloss up his mistake.
Killian shut the door with a sigh. "The servants have been getting...lazy. I tend to let them do what they like, but they seem to be taking advantage of it. I have had them disobey you and me countless times, forget things that's we need, and misbehave behind my back." Killian shook his head in disbelief.
"Don't worry about it for now." Atticus consoled. "Why don't go to the gardens for a while?" He suggested.
"That sounds lovely atti." Killian agreed. He extended his hand, an offering towards the boy. Atticus reached out and accepted it, allowing killian to escort him. They walked to a large greenhouse; it had many people bustling around it.
"We will see the public greenhouse first." killian said. "The people here are allowed to pick the fruits inside once a week, they each get three. They are free, which makes it easier for the children to try new things and experience different and exotic foods." Killian smiled, proud of the idea behind it.
"That's amazing killian!" Atticus exclaimed. He looked up at killian, who was marveling at the. Structure. He was beautiful.
"Beautiful, isn't it?" Killian asked.
Atticus continued to stare at killian. "Yes, yes, it is." He said breathily.
"Are you looking at me?" Killian smirked.
"N-no!" Atticus spluttered.
"Mmh hmm." Killian looked pleased with himself. "Let us go in." He pulled Atticus inside, they explored the vast jungle of plants, killian made Atticus try everything, by the time they were leaving, Atticus had a basket full of fruits and veggies.
"Killian? I don't think I need all of this. I have a list of what I like... I will be okay." Atticus said nervously. Not wanting to take away from the common people.
"I think it's fine. I grow it all myself, it's not like they grow it." Killian smiled. Atticus rolled his eyes at the comment. He saw little kids piled around the windows; hands pressed against the glass.
"There are those who are too young to go, they might take more than they are allowed to, as they don't know the rules." Killian explained.
"I see." Atticus's brow furrowed. He walked towards the kids, he whistled loudly, drawing their attention.
They ran towards him, laughing. They jumped up and down excitedly.
"Hey! Wait." Atticus said. "Patience." The kids settled down at this. Atticus pulled some of the fruit out, handing it out one by one to the kids, until there were only a few items left in the basket, Atticus took the last one for himself as the kids gorged themselves on the fruit and veggies. He walked back to killian, smiling.
"They are kids, even if they can't go in, it's unfair for me to get more than any of them could've gotten in many months." Atticus said, holding Killian's hand. He shivered now that he was back in the cold.
"Let us go to the inside gardens, I will show you the foreign plants." Killian grinned., dragging Atticus towards the palace once more, they bounded up the steps and through the halls. Killian groaned.
"Atticus! Your so slow..." killian whined. He lifted Atticus up into his arms and continued his journey. They entered two big doors, leaves greeted them, falling back and forth.
"Killian!" Atticus was was beautiful, he wondered how killian could keep this all to himself. It was perfect, so calm and tranquil. Atticus loved it. He felt warm. He struggled out of Killian's grip, setting the basket down, and ding a spin.
"I'm glad you like it." Killian chuckled, grabbing Atticus from behind, holding him tenderly.
"It's wonderful." Atticus felt a mischievous feeling build up in him. He pulled himself from killian and walked forward, pretending to admit the blooming flowers, he looked back at killian, who was distracted picking fruits. Atticus hissed softly, laughing. He darted around a corner and hid behind a bush, waiting for killian to pass him. He watched as killian took his time with each plant, one by one grabbing new things for Atticus to try. Atticus groaned quietly as the minutes turned by fast, he had already waited almost 10 minutes. He leaned back into the grass, letting out a quiet sigh as he watched killian, every step the bigger man took bored Atticus further. It was not long before Atticus had fallen asleep. Killian turned the final corner, seeing Atticus asleep.
"How cute." He mused. He knew the boy would get tired of pranking him pretty fast, however he had not anticipated him falling asleep. Killian chuckled to himself as he scooped Atticus up, he felt the boy press himself put her into his chest, seeking the warmth. Killian walked up the hallways, following the path to his room. He opened the door and went to the bed, setting Atticus down, he figured he would work while Atticus slept, putting on his reading glasses, he sat down and begun on the large stack of paperwork that had piled up as he spent time with Atticus these past couple of days. He looked at Atticus, a loving look in his eye, he knew he couldn't let the other leaders take him from himself, Atticus was the first piece of happiness he had felt in a long time since becoming kings, he didn't want to lose that.

Word count:2266

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