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It was a crisp morning in the mountains, snow covered the ground, all was peaceful, except for one boy and his sister.

Tanjiro: don't worry Nezuko, I'll get you to a doctor, I promise.

Suddenly, Nezuko began to growl as she pulled at Tanjiro, making him fall off the cliff while he was trying to calm her down.

Tanjiro: Nezuko! Calm down! What are you doing?!

Tanjiro blocked Nezuko from attacking him, he tried to calm her down, then he felt a wetness falling onto his cheeks.

Nezuko was crying, tears fell down as she was held back by the axe handle, suddenly, two figures came rushing at them.

Both Tanjiro and Nezuko jumped away just in time, it was revealed to be a man with a duel patterned haori and a woman with a plague Doctor mask.

Nezuko shrunk down as the two figures stood, both holding swords, the man a katana and the woman a rapier.

Katsueki: hey kid, that's a demon you're protecting, you know that right?

Tanjiro: n-no, this is my little sister, Nezuko, s-she's hurt.

Katsueki: no, that's a demon, see, she's growling, drooling, and growling, oh wait I already said that.

Giyyu: that is a demon, and you need to give her up so we can kill her.

Tanjiro: NO! I won't allow it! She's my sister and ai won't let you take her!

Giyyu: she's a demon! And we have to kill her as it is our job!

Tanjiro: no, she hasn't hurt anyone, and I-I'll find a way to make her human again.

Katsueki: sorry kid, but we can't allow this, we've seen too many people say that their turned family members won't hurt anyone only for them to be torn to shreds seconds later.

Katsueki moved in like lightning bolt, Tanjiro couldn't react as he saw Katsueki and Giyyu with their swords to Nezuko's throat.

Tanjiro sprang up to his feet, he picked up the axe and ran into the tree line to the side, the duo watched as he threw a rock at them, they both dodged easily of course.

Tanjiro then ran at the with what they assumed to be the axe, he screamed as he bolted towards them, but he was shut up by Katsueki kicking in the stomach and knocking him unconscious.

Katsueki: what exactly was the plan in any of that?

Katsueki and Giyyu looked at Tanjiro, when they noticed that the axe was missing, they both looked up to see it flying at them.

Katsueki ducked and Giyyu sidestepped the attack, the duo seemed impressed and looked down at Tanjiro.

Katsueki: not bad kid, you threw the axe after throwing the rock, then charged at us with nothing, like a pincer attack, well done.

Giyyu: it was the best he could come up with in such a short time, he shows promise.

Then, Nezuko broke out of their grip and charged towards Tanjiro, the duo mentality slapped themselves for lowering their guard and allowing Nezuko to escape their grip.

Nezuko however stood in front of Tanjiro in a protective manner, Katsueki and Giyyu were dumbfounded at the scene that met their eyes.

Katsueki: amazing, despite being turned into a demon, she still protects her brother, maybe she can be useful to the Demon Slayer Corps.

Nezuko then bolted towards the duo, only to be knocked out by Giyyu, Katsueki made eye contact with Giyyu and they both knew that they were thinking the same thing.

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