Honor in the Sky

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Kaigaku and Ozaki made their way to an airfield with multiple hangers with planes of varying sizes, there were workers as well as multiple indications of the airfield being Corps owned.

The night was creeping up on them as the sun set in the distance, casting orange and pink across the sky, a gentle breeze blew past them, the calm before the storm.

Kaigaku walked around the airfield, inspecting the hangers and planes, speaking to people while Ozaki just stared in awe at the planes.

Ozaki: so cool, what do these do?

Kaigaku: this is the aircraft division of the Demon Slayer Corps, they source and carry steel for swords to be used from all over the world.

Ozaki: awesome, and what do they do?

Kaigaku face palmed as Ozaki tried to touch one of the planes, a few of the engineers rushed to stop her, making her pout after not being able to touch the plane.

Kaigaku: it's like dealing with a child.

Ozaki followed Kaigaku as they watched the last bit of sun go out, then, they heard the roar of engines in the sky.

Looking up, there were dozens of fighter planes, they swooped down and dropped payloads that exploded in a mass of flesh that spawned multiple demons that attacked the engineers.

Seeing this, Kaigaku took a low stance as he took a deep breath, electricity surrounded him as Ozaki backed up, he reversed his grip before speaking.

Kaigaku: Total Concentration, Thunder Breathing, Seventh Form, Thunder Tunnel.

Kaigaku bolts towards the demon spawn while spinning around, gaining momentum to decapitate the demon spawn.

More planes soared through the sky as more bombs were dropped, creating more and more demon spawn, Ozaki rushed towards a group of demons trying to rain up on one engineer, taking a deep breath.

Ozaki: Total Concentration, Thunder Breathing, Third Form, Thunder Swarm!

Ozaki surrounds the demon spawn with waves of arched lightning and attacks them from all directions, destroying the demon spawn and saving the engineer.

Suddenly, a bomb is dropped behind her and explodes, multiple demon spawn attack her from behind before she can react, but then...

Kaigaku: Total Concentration, Thunder Breathing, Fourth Form, Distant Thunder!

Kaigaku generates a ball of electricity that releases waves of strong multi-directional lightning bolts from afar, destroying the demon spawn and saving Ozaki.

Kaigaku: good grief, you have to be aware of your surroundings you idiot, you're lucky I saved your ass.

Ozaki: thank you Kaigaku.

Another bomb is dropped in the distance, more demons are spawned to attack the engineers, Kaigaku sighed before taking a knee.

Kaigaku: Total Concentration...

Kaigaku breathed in, electricity surrounding him as he generated all of his strength and power into his legs.

Kaigaku: Thunder Breathing, Ninth Form...

Kaigaku shoots towards the demon spawn at blinding speeds, before swinging their sword to create a ring of lightning around them, decapitating the demon spawn.

Kaigaku: Ring of Thunder!

Kaigaku spotted another plane coming down for another bombing, fed up with the planes, Kaigaku takes a deep breath.

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