SS Victory

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Shimo brought Nagakura and Takeuchi to a beautiful ocean liner, the hull was black in color along with possessing a red stripe and the top had two smokestacks that had a red body and black top.

The ship was taking on passengers to go to Australia, many people wore clothes from the western world and a few wore kimonos.

Shimo: alright you two, welcome to the SS Victory, an Australian Ocean Liner that has the capacity of 2500 passengers and 3000 crew members, so, you two ready to board?

Takeuchi: but, we don't have tickets.

Shimo: already paid for, we have first class.

Nagakura: but we don't have luggage.

Shimo: already on board, you can keep the clothes after the mission is over by the way.

Takeuchi: b-but, what about, ah, I got nothing.

Nagakura: we're doing this no matter what, are we?

Shimo: you're absolutely correct.

Shimo began walking towards the ocean liner, Nagakura and Takeuchi following close being the young boy.

The man taking tickets simply stepped out of the way, offering a bow as the trio passed, confusing Nagakura and Takeuchi.

Shimo: don't worry, he knows who we are, saved his life a few months back and I told him prior to coming here that I had a mission having to do with this ship.

As the ship set off to sea, the group explored the ship, it was beautiful, the designs were intricate and detailed.

There was a massive aquarium in a cylinder that had stairs going down the sides in a spiral staircase, there were many types of fish and even an octopus.

Takeuchi and Nagakura were awed at the sight of such a beautiful ship, Shimo was practically a celebrity as many people on the ship knew him as a skilled slayer that saved them.


Deep below in the hull of the ship, Wakuraba reassembled himself and killed the few guards posted around the lower decks of the ship.

Wakuraba reached into the sleeve of his kimono and pulled out a pocket watch and read the time.

Wakuraba: 0800 hours to Sunrise, I have time.

Crew member: hey! Stop right there!

Multiple crew members held pistols to Wakuraba as he closed and put away his pocket watch before turning his hands into three pronged claws and bolted towards the crew members at the speed of sound, tearing them apart.


Back with Shimo who was hanging out with some women he saved the previous year during their trip to the Red Light district, he used his Hunter Sense to find a trail of blood that was growing in the lower decks of the ship.

Shimo stood and walked toward Nagakura and Takeuchi who were eating a bunch of food before dragging them off to the Captain who was talking with crew members.

Shimo: Captain, issue an evacuation of the ship, there's a demon below deck slaughtering the people down there.

Captain: yes of course Shimo, right on it.

Shimo: Takeuchi, Nagakura, ensure everyone on board evacuates safely from the Ocean Liner, I'll make my way to the lower deck to deal with the demon.

Takeuchi/Nagakura: yes sir!

The Captain and the rest of the crew rushed to the bridge as Shimo made his way to the lower deck, Takeuchi and Nagakura started evacuating the people as the alarm blared.

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