Rehabilitation Part 2

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Ozaki, Nagakura, and Takeuchi all went to the Rumble Estate, there, they saw the Rumble Hashira, Kaigaku Inadama, he was waiting for them in the garden, a table in front of him with a few dumplings, a blossoming peach tree behind him.

Kaigaku: welcome to your rehabilitation training, just so you know, I don't see anything worth a shit in any of you, I'm just doing this as a favor for Shinobu-San.

Takeuchi: okay, so what do we do first.

Kaigaku: simply take a dumpling.

Nagakura: sounds easy enough.

The trio all sat down, they grabbed some chopsticks and each went to grab a dumpling, only for them to vanish and Kaigaku was chewing.

Kaigaku: grab a dumpling.

Nagakura went to grab another dumpling, only for it to vanish again, Kaigaku was chewing again.

Nagakura: okay what the fuck?

Kaigaku: Grab. A. Dumping. That's all you have to do.

All three of them made multiple attempts to grab a dumpling only for it to vanish, all of the dumplings were gone and the trio was left hungry.

Kaigaku: all of you have to be faster than that, I will only train you if you can eat a dumpling.

Ozaki: easier said than done.

Kaigaku: come back tomorrow at the same time you did today, and at least try to be fast the next time.

Kaigaku stood and walked off into his Estate, the trio decided to explore around to see what was around.

The estate was massive, there was a library, training dojo, kitchen, bedrooms, and much more, there were a lot of yin and Yang symbols everywhere.

Time Skip

Ozaki was back at the Butterfly mansion, she couldn't sleep, what didn't help the fact was Inosuke and Shinsu snoring loudly.

Ozaki's stomach growled and she blushed in embarrassment while holding her belly, she decided to sneak into the kitchen to eat something.

Ozaki slowly got out of bed and tiptoed to the kitchen, she opened the door and came face to face with Genya, he was pulling some pudding out of the ice box.

The duo just stared at each other for a second, unmoving, the silence was deafening, not one word spoken.

Genya broke the silence with a whisper shout.

Genya: what are you doing in here so late?!

Ozaki: I should ask you the same thing?!

Genya: I was hungry so I came to kitchen hen to eat something.

Ozaki: who are you, and what are you doing in here?!

Genya: I-I just said, I got hungry and- I already explained this to you why are you asking again?!

Ozaki: wait, I already asked you?

Genya: YES!

Ozaki: oh, sorry about that, I'm Ozaki, and I have short term memory loss, what's your name?

Genya: oh great, short term memory loss, perfect t, well I'm Genya.

Ozaki: cool, my name is Ozaki, and I have-

Ozaki is cut off by Genya slamming his hand over her mouth, earning a groan of pain from Ozaki.

Genya: just stop talking, I heard you the first time.

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