Steel Quarry

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*warning, this chapter contains mature themes, viewer discretion is advised*

Koshuki and Shinsu arrived at the eerily quiet quarry, there were no sounds of digging, speaking, or even breathing, the quarry was so deep that fog covered by a thick fog.

There were dim lights within the fog, the soft glow was eerie to say the least, nothing could be seen within the fog.

Shinsu kicked a rock off the side which fell into the deep fog, it fell for a long time before hitting the ground, causing her to whistle.

Shinsu: long drop, we should take the long way down because this drop would hurt a bit.

Koshuki: get away from the edge, even a little breeze could mean your end here and now.

Shinsu: I got it, I got, you don't have to tell me twice.

Koshuki and Shinsu walked down into the dark depths of the quarry, it was damp with rain from the previous day's rain, no signs of life even as the descended further and further down into the depths of the earth.

As they continued to walk, Koshuki heard sounds in the walls, without thinking, he put himself between Shinsu and the wall.

Suddenly, a fleshy rock pierced out of the wall and attempted to skewer Koshuki, but he blocked it with his war hammer, he inhaled deeply.

Koshuki: Total Concentration, Chaos Breathing, First Form, Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.

Koshuki wound up and with a hard swing, broke the rock with his ear hammer only for a mass of flesh to shoot out at the duo, sending them far back and falling deeper into the quarry.

They broke through the fog to see a horrific sight, mountains of blood, bodies, and gore coated the quarry, staining the stone and ores a deep crimson.

Countless masses of fleshy rocks and flesh tendrils shot out of the walls towards the falling duo, who respond by inhaling deeply.

Shinsu: Total Concentration, Water Breathing, Ninth Form, Splashing Water Flow, Turbulent!

Koshuki: Total Concentration, Chaos Breathing, Fourth Form, Into the Fires of Hell!

Koshuki's hammer burned a purple and blue flame as he swung in a circular motion, combined with his fall gaining momentum, her set the flesh ablaze and destroyed a good amount of it.

Shinsu flipped through the air to be upside down, delivered a multitude of slashes as she flipped back upward, twisting and bending her body to cut the masses of flesh sent at them.

The dance of flames with water was akin to Yin and Yang, a beautiful combination of power attacks that flowed through each other perfectly.

Each swing of Koshuki's war hammer and slash of Shinsu's katana, all of the flesh they hit disintegrated before they reached the bottom, more and more flesh pierced out of the walls to join the attack.

Eventually, they reached the bottom and splashed into a deep pool of water, enough to break their long fall and not cause any injuries.

Koshuki and Shinsu swam out of the pool of water, Shinsu laid on her back looking up while Koshuki kneeled on his hammer.

Shinsu: wow, let's do that again!

Koshuki: no.

Shinsu gave a playful pout, feigning being upset.

Shinsu: boo, you're no fun.

Koshuki: we're on a mission, we're not supposed to be having fun.

Shinsu: says you, you giant raisin.

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