A little walk

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The next day, after meeting with the mountain rescuers and their friends, the Brooms Town rescuers began their morning patrol as usual while the children were at school. By lunchtime the children returned to the station and did their homework. However, they need to take some photos for school because of the photo assignment.

"We need to find a camera." Conrad said this, with which Kim agreed. They were both looking for a camera for a task. At the station in the common room and in the main room, they could not find it, and they both went to the garage. They also found nothing in the garage and for them it seemed the search was doomed to failure.

"Boys!" both children turned sharply towards the voice that was behind them, the voice seemed slightly irritated to them. They saw Jin standing in the garage door.

"What are you doing here?" she asked both of them and began to approach them.

"Sorry Jin, we were just looking for a camera for a school assignment." Kim explained what was going on.

"Helly once mentioned that he had a camera and said that if we needed it, we could take it. We decided to find it first and then ask Helly's permission." Conrad added to Kim's explanation. Jin accepted the children's explanation. To the children's surprise, the dispatcher giggled slightly.

"Wait for me outside." Jin asked them and left the garage. The children followed her example and began to wait. She went inside the station, the children decided to wait for her outside, as she asked. Jin went inside and went to her room. Opening one of the drawers, she took out two small cameras.

"It was not for nothing that I bought you back then." She said her thoughts out loud and left her room with them.


While the children were waiting for her, they looked at the clouds. They guessed what the clouds looked like.

"I'm back." Jin said this and the children quickly turned their attention to her. She approached them with her hands behind her back, which the two children noticed.

"Ta-da." Jin pulled her hands out of her back and the children saw small cameras in her hands. Both boys were surprised by what they saw. Jin handed them both the devices, both boys awkwardly accepted the devices.

"When did you buy them?" Kim asked Jin

"Back when we adopted you. I thought they would suddenly come in handy and I was right." Jin answered the question with a smile.

"Thank you very much." Both boys said this at the same time, the dispatcher responded with a smile to the children's gratitude.

"I'll go get our notebooks now. Wait for me." Kim asked Conrad for this, to which he nodded. Kim ran to get the notebooks inside the station. When Jin and Conrad were alone, the smile on the dispatcher's face disappeared. She crossed her arms over her chest and looked at the child seriously. Conrad noticed this look and understood what it meant.

"Is this about yesterday?" Conrad asked hesitantly, to which Jin nodded. The boy realized that he couldn't get out of the conversation. The boy took a deep breath and exhaled.

"Yes, I offered it to him, but he wanted it." Conrad said this, to which he received a questioning look. The boy continued: "You know that his brother was shot because of a debt. Well, some children from the orphanage began to spread rumors that his brother was a dangerous criminal and all that. And so this is the only thing he asked me to teach him to lie about but he doesn't want to lie about other things." the boy explained what he meant.

"Oh... Well, at least that explains something." Jin said to herself. Looking at the child, she saw he was thinking about something.

"I indirectly influenced this by testifying against him." Conrad said this in a whisper, which the dispatcher noticed.

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