Chapter 19: Sabrina's Support

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Madison was aimlessly flipping through her textbook, the words blurring into irrelevance, when the door of her room opened with a soft creak. Sabrina tiptoed into the room, a mischievous glint in her eyes.

"Your mom thinks I'm in the bathroom," Sabrina announced, her voice a hushed whisper.

Madison couldn't help but chuckle. "And why, may I ask, are you sneaking into my room like you're the one that's grounded?" she teased, her curiosity piqued.

Sabrina flopped down beside Madison, her presence an immediate cure to the gloom that had settled over the room. "Officially, we're wrangling the madhouse that is tour logistics," she confided with an exaggerated roll of her eyes. "But let's be real - I'm here for a much-needed fave niece check-in. Don't tell Olivia you're the fave, by the way. Apparently, I'm supposed to be neutral about these things."

Madison hesitated, "Well, I'm grounded, so I'm basically cut off from friends, I think that includes you."

Sabrina's eyes rolled so dramatically, Madison was momentarily concerned they might stick that way. "Please, I'm not your friend, I'm family. And since when does being grounded apply to family? Besides, your mom should know better than to cut you off from your only source of sassy wisdom. Who else would turn you into the princess of sarcasm?"

The comment drew an involuntary laugh from Madison. "Sassy wisdom, huh? Is that what we're calling it now?"

"Absolutely," Sabrina declared with a wink. "And speaking of, let's get to the juicy stuff. Jake's been a grade-A jerk, huh?"

Madison sighed, the story spilling from her with Sabrina's encouragement. "He started spreading rumors because I wouldn't let him... you know,... get what he wanted.."

Sabrina's expression turned fierce, her protective instincts kicking in. "Oh, hell no. Jake needs to learn 'no' means 'no', not 'convince me'. You standing up for yourself is the sexiest thing you could do, and if he can't handle that, he doesn't deserve you."

The bluntness and unwavering support in Sabrina's response were exactly what Madison needed.

"And now I'm the school outcast, all thanks to his fragile ego," Madison added, a bitter edge to her words.

Sabrina snorted, "Let him throw his little tantrum. You, my dear, are a badass queen. Anyone too dumb to see that doesn't deserve to bask in your glorious presence."

A devilish grin spread on Sabrina's face after a moment of silence. "You know what would really set the record straight? A good, old-fashioned TPing of Jake's house."

Madison's eyes widened with shock and amusement. "Sab, you can't be serious," she sputtered, half-tempted by the idea yet fully aware of the potential fallout.

"Oh, come on! It's classic, harmless fun. A little toilet paper never hurt anybody. Plus, it's a rite of passage," Sabrina argued, her eyes twinkling with the thrill of potential mischief.

Madison couldn't help but laugh, shaking her head in disbelief. "You're absolutely nuts. You know that, right? Besides, I'm grounded. Sneaking out to TP someone's house isn't exactly low-profile."

Sabrina pouted exaggeratedly, flopping back onto Madison's bed. "Fine, fine. We'll shelf the TP plan...for now. But you have to admit, it would have been epic."

Madison laughed, the sound bright and genuine. "How about we stick to plotting fictional revenge? Mom would kill me if we did anything, and then I'd be grounded until I'm thirty."

"Deal," Sabrina conceded, her expression softening to one of fondness. "But seriously, Maddie, I've got your back. Jake's nonsense won't last forever, and you're too amazing to let his pettiness bring you down."

Their laughter filled the room, a much-needed break from Madison's usual gloom.

Sabrina then reached into her bag, pulling out an assortment of chocolates and sweets. "I raided Taylor's secret cupboard," she declared with a triumphant grin, laying the stash out on Madison's bed like a revealed treasure. "Consider this a gift for the badass that you are."

Madison's smile was genuine, touched by Sabrina's thoughtfulness and the hint of rebellion in swiping the treats from Taylor's well-guarded supplies. Yet, as she glanced at the array of candy, her smile didn't quite reach her eyes.

"Thanks, Sab. That's really sweet of you," she said, her voice carrying a note of reluctance.

The room's energy shifted as Sabrina picked up on the subtle cues of Madison's refusal. The lighthearted moment faded, giving way to a deeper, unspoken concern. Sabrina's expression softened. "Hun," she began, her tone shifting to one of gentle concern. "You know you don't have to go through this alone, right? I'm here for you, in any way you need."

Madison met Sabrina's gaze. "I know," Madison replied with gratitude and a hint of sadness. "It's just hard, you know? Some days are better than others. Today's of the tougher ones."

Sabrina nodded, understanding. "I get it. I just want to see you smile."

Madison reached out, squeezing Sabrina's hand in a silent thank you. "You did. Really. It's just...complicated."

The two sat in comfortable silence, the unsaid words between them speaking volumes.

"Sabrina," Taylor's voice called out from the other side of the door, making both of them jump. "We have to go back to work."

"Oh shit!" Sabrina blurted out, immediately standing up as if she herself was caught sneaking out by her mom. Madison giggled watching her scramble for her things. She left with a hug for Madison and opened the door. As she faced Taylor, she put her hand next to her head in salute, "Yes, ma'am, Taylor, ma'am!"

Taylor playfully rolled her eyes as she watched the small blonde wink back at Madison as she walked past. She lingered by the doorway for a second, her look softening. 

"You okay, baby?" She checked in, here yes meeting Madison's.

Madison nodded, trying to suppress a giggle. "I did tell her I was grounded, I promise."

Taylor laughed, "Oh so did I, she told me she doesn't care. Besides, I think your aunties are allowed to be the exception to this rule."

As Sabrina and Taylor both left, Madison felt a little lighter, knowing she had an ally in her auntie. She chuckled, wondering what tantrums Olivia would've thrown if she ever found out she wasn't everyone's favorite. 

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