Chapter 31: Road to Recovery

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TRIGGER WARNING: Eating disorder recovery, eating struggles

After a few weeks, Madison was cleared to go home. The doctor's instructions were very clear - if she doesn't eat, she will need to return to the hospital. Despite being adamant to eat, Madison struggled to return back to her normal self. Madison sat at the table, her eyes darting between the plate of food in front of her and Taylor, who had taken the seat beside her, trying to mask the concern on her face. Travis took Olivia with him to football practice, allowing Taylor to have some mother-daughter time with Madison.

"Mom, I'm not sure I can do this," Madison whispered, her voice trembling. She pushed the food around her plate, avoiding eye contact. "Maybe I should start with something smaller."

Taylor reached out, covering Madison's hand with her own, offering a squeeze of reassurance. "Maddie, it's okay to be scared. But I know you're stronger than you think. Let's just take it one bite at a time."

Madison looked up, her eyes brimming with tears. "But what if I can't? What if I try and it just... it all goes wrong?" The fear of failing, of disappointing herself and her family, was written all over her face.

Taylor leaned in, her voice soft but firm. "Then we try again. Failure isn't the end, sweetheart. It's just part of the journey. I'm here with you, every step of the way. You're not alone in this."

Madison let out a shaky breath, looking down at the plate again. "I want to be better, mom. I hate that this is so hard. I hate feeling like I'm not in control of my own body."

"And you will be better," Taylor assured her, her voice thick with emotion. "This... it's a battle, yes. But it's one we're going to fight together. You have so much strength inside you, baby. More than you realize."

Madison attempted a small bite, her hand trembling as she brought the fork to her lips. After swallowing, she couldn't hold back the tears any longer. "I'm trying. I really am. But it feels like every bite is a reminder of how much I've lost, how much I've changed."

Taylor moved her chair closer, wrapping an arm around Madison's shoulders. "Every bite is also a step towards recovery, a step towards the life you deserve. Yes, you've changed, but not all change is bad, my love. You're learning, growing, and fighting. That's something to be proud of."

Madison leaned into her mother's embrace, allowing herself to feel the full extent of Taylor's support and love. "Thank you for not giving up on me," she sobbed, the words muffled against Taylor's shoulder.

"Never," Taylor whispered back, her own tears mingling with Madison's. "Never, Maddie. We're going to get through this together. You're my brave girl, and I love you more than anything. You have so much life ahead of you, so many dreams to fulfill. And I'll be damned if I let this disorder steal that from you.""

The meal wasn't finished, but it was a start, a small victory in the face of a daunting challenge. As the emotional weight of their conversation began to settle, Madison looked up at Taylor with a vulnerability that pierced straight to her heart. The question that followed was one Taylor had never anticipated, yet it held a power that stopped time for a moment.

"Mom, do you ever regret adopting me?" Madison's voice was barely a whisper.

Taylor felt as if the air had been knocked out of her. The very thought that Madison could believe she might be a source of regret was devastating. She took Madison's face in her hands, ensuring their eyes met, needing Madison to see the sincerity and love in her gaze.

"Never," Taylor said, her voice firm, unwavering. "Not for a second. You are my daughter, sweetheart. The moment you joined my family was the happiest of my life."

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