Chapter 1

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Her stomach. It kept growling; an evil reminder that she has to eat. Korra sat up on the bench press and sighed, looking down at her torso and frowned. Though today was not just any day. Today was Tuesday, which means Taco Bell. She hopped up and ran over to Bolin.

"Bolin! It's lunch time. You coming?" He set down the dumb bells he was using and tapped his chin.

"I'm not in the mood for tacos today." He said softly. Korra scoffed. He always wanted to eat. Even after they ate. She leaned on the exercise equipment and pouted.

"What? When are you not in the mood?"

"I would love too! Honest! But Opal was supposed to come by..." Korra laughed at her friend and waved him off.

"Whipped." She teased. "If you see Kai, tell him I'll be late." Bolin gave her a salute.

"Yes sir! Er, ma'am. Um-"

"I get it." She chuckled. "And don't forget about practice tomorrow!" She warned.

She eyed the menu, even though she always gets the same thing every time. The smell of diabetes filled her nose and she couldn't help but grin. She lived for fast food.

Though she could do without all the people. The line stretched all the way to the door, which meant waiting. Korra sighed and pulled out her phone to pass the time.

"I can help someone over here." Korra looked up to the cashier. Of course on the one day she chose to eat in there was a line. She eagerly pushed past the people in front of her and walked up to the cashier.

"Hi." Korra glanced at the women behind the counter. She had jet-black hair that was pulled up into a ponytail with a baseball cap covering her head. She had purple eyeshadow and bright red lipstick, and she was just hot.

"Uh. Hi." The ability to come up with words was lost. This women was beautiful. And she worked at Taco Bell! It was a win-win situation. Maybe Korra could get discounts...

"Are you going to order something or?" Korra's cheeks grew warm as she looked up at the menu.

"Yeah! Yeah, um. I'll have a number seven and a Pepsi." She watched as Asami (that's what her name tag said, not that she was staring) typed in her order.

"Soft or hard?" Asami asked. If she wasn't blushing before, she definitely was now. A witty comeback was in the tip of her tongue until common sense came back to her.

"I, uh, what?" She stammered. What is with her today? Talking isn't hard.

"Soft shell or hard shell?"

"Oh! Soft shell, please." She knew that. She'd ordered it a million times. Asami nodded and busied herself with the screen. "That'll be $6.49."

Korra plucked a ten dollar bill from her pocket and handed it to the cashier. There fingers touched for a second, though Korra felt as though time stopped. Her hands were probably clammy, it happened when she got nervous and damn this girl for making her giddy. She retracted her hand and wiped it on her shorts.

"Hey lady, other people wanna eat." She turned to see a shorter man who was rather pudgy. She could take him, no problem. Which could resolve in getting kicked out.

"Listen buddy," she hissed through gritted teeth. The man flared up at her and she almost cracked a smile. 'Deep breath, Korra.' What would Tenzin say?

"You cannot let other people get to you. Clear your head, take deep breaths." She could practically hear his voice in her head. Exhaling, she turned, grabbed her drink, and sat down.

This was one of the reasons why she couldn't stand people; especially stupid people. She used to have major anger management problems, and that's when her parents introduced her to Tenzin, the peace guru. Okay, he was a therapist, but Korra saw him as a very uptight guru.

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