Chapter 3

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"Can you hand me that pen?"

Korra and Opal had decided to have a study night, much to Korra's objection. She tried to steer clear of band talk, and so far everything was fine. They sat in a comfortable silence, save for the hum of the TV that streamed Cartoon Network. Korra preferred Opal's apartment due to how much bigger it was than her own. Her living room was practically the size of Korra's whole place.

"Why are you so good at that?" Korra pointed toward her friend's drawing, which she was extremely jealous of, and handed her the pen. "You had to have sold your soul for talent like this." Opal laughed and held up her picture.

"It's not that good. Look right here." She pointed to a spot on the page. "That should be wider, and I should've made this line go like this-"

"Okay okay, but to the untrained eye it's a masterpiece. Look at mine." She held up her sketch book as Opal examined it.

"It looks fine, but shouldn't you be study Greek mythology? You're not even taking an art class." She said accusingly. Korra lowered her sketch book in defeat. Studying was not fun; it had the word dying in it! Whenever she dazed off in class, Korra usually ends up doodling on her notes, which was fair more entertaining than listing to Professor Pema talk about the Trojan War.

"I already know about the gods and goddess and demigods and all that crap." She then focused her eyes on the television. "It's like history comes naturally to me. "Opal snorted and shut the TV off. "Hey!"

"That isn't even real history! It's made up, they're all stories. I thought you loved stories? Especially ones with bloodshed."

"Just because I'm not in art doesn't mean I can't draw." She mumbled as she reached for the remote. "I haven't been having the best week." Opal's eyes softened.

"I have a feeling I had something to do with it. I haven't been the best band mate, huh?" Korra didn't want to say yes, but it was true.

"You know Asami, right?" Opal nodded.

"She's in my engineering class. What about her?"

"She was at rehearsal last night, and she's a really great singer." Korra said slowly, letting her friend process where she was going with this. "You've just missed so many practices and it's hard to get anything done and-"

"Korra, I'm sorry for putting you through all of this. As much as I love the band, if Asami can be there, she should do it." She rested her hand on Korra's arm. "I don't want to be the reason Fire Ferrets don't make it big." A grin broke out on Korra's face and she took Opal in her arms.

"Thanks, Opal! I'm glad that was resolved. I still want you to be involved somehow, though. You've been with us since the beginning."

"Really? I guess we need a manager, right?"

"Yeah! That sounds great!" Opal chuckled and released her friend, turning her attention back to her sketches.

Korra released a sigh and started flipping through the channels."Now that that's resolved, you should probably get back to studying. Rome wasn't built in a day." Korra rolled her eyes and opened her text book.

"It's Greek mythology, not Roman." She mumbled. She hated Roman mythology. Okay, hate was a strong word, she loathed Roman mythology. She peeked at her friend who was busying herself with her phone. "Um, I thought we agreed no phones during study session."

Opal rolled her eyes. "Back off, mom. It's Bolin. He wants to know if I'm busy."

"And you said?

"I said I'm not."

Korra ran a hand through her short hair and released a breath. "I guess that means I have to go home." She gathered her book and put in her backpack. Opal had a habit of ditching if it was Bolin. Her mom, Su, didn't like it too much and asked Korra to keep an eye on her. She hated babysitting.

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