Chapter 13

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As the following weeks went by, Korra found herself at her wit's end. More and more of her time was dedicated to this wild goose chase that Tarrlok had sent her and while Korra didn't mind it at first, it was beginning to take a toll on her physically and emotionally. Bolin didn't mind helping her out, which was a huge relief. Although Korra always denied his help, saying he didn't have to waste his own time trying to solve her own problems, he would brush her off. Bolin had been a rock for her, which she certainly wasn't used to. Any time she was stumped he would try to help out, sometimes pointing things out to Korra that she couldn't have seen herself.

Then there was Asami. She had been in the back of Korra's mind the past few weeks, seeing her at that concert had left a bad taste in Korra's mouth. Even the thought of Asami working for or even supporting the Equalists made Korra squirm. After their conversation, she really wasn't sure if Asami was on their side or not. She could understand supporting her dad, if he wasn't working with an evil music group whose intentions are still unknown. Korra even had the chance to come clean, but changed the subject instead, claiming she wasn't feeling well and that it'd be best if Asami left, lest she get sick as well. She felt bad for lying, but she thought it was for the best.

Unfortunately, Asami would have to wait. Tonight, Korra was on a mission. Well, that's what she liked to call it to make it more official sounding. Bolin insisted on tagging along as the muscle, though Korra politely decline his offer.

"This is more of a recon mission, Bo. I think the less people the better." She said with a sad smile. Bolin wasn't too happy about that, but he didn't argue with her.

"If you need backup just call me. Not that I think you'll need it." He added quickly. Korra smiled and patted his shoulder.

"I'll be sure to call if I need your help, scout's honor."

Bolin let out a sigh, looking more at ease. Korra tied her red bandana around her neck and pulled it over her mouth. She was wearing her black leather jacket with a white shirt underneath along with black jeans and her worn out sneakers. Her hair was gelled back with some of Bolin's mousse. Before leaving, she pocketed a small switchblade just in case. Saying goodbye to Bolin, she left her apartment and made her way to the meeting point.

The only way to get into this particular meeting was to present a flyer to the doorman, or bouncer, Korra couldn't really tell the difference. The man at the door was huge, looking as if he never skipped leg OR arm day. He wore a tattered black vest with no shirt underneath, black pants riddled with holes, and sunglasses to top off the ensemble. Korra held her breath, her grip on the poster tightened as she began to walk up to the door. Before she could react, she was pulled quickly to the side of the building, a gloved hand covering her mouth. Panicked, she swiftly elbowed her attacker, sending him to the ground. She was about to finish the job when she recognized a red scarf.

"Mako?" He let out a groan as Korra helped him up. It was Mako, but he was dressed almost the same way as Korra. Black shirt, ripped blue jeans, and sunglasses with his scarf around his neck. He was still doubled over trying to catch his breath. "What the hell are you doing here?" She asked, genuinely confused. Mako rested his hands on his knees before answering.

"I could ask you the same thing." He managed. Korra narrowed her eyes. "I'm on police business." He began. "We've been getting a lot of calls about these rallys. Mostly noise complaints, but Chief Beifong wants to make sure that there isn't an underlying problem. Better to catch it now before it blows up." Mako looked very determined, ready to prove himself. Korra sighed. This is not what she was expecting. "So." He looked at her, waiting for something.

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