Chapter 4

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The first thing she noticed was how soft the sheets were. She sat up and rubbed her eyes. Looking around, she noticed how big the room was. She was in a queen sized bed, which was fitted with red sheets and an abundance of comfortable pillows. A large single window was covered with sun-blocking curtains. There was a clock on the night stand, along with two pills and a glass of water. She took them and walked slowly towards the window. Her throat was on fire, resulting in a hoarse voice. Her head was throbbing and she hoped those pills would kick in soon.

She peered through the curtains. This place looked familiar.

"Glad to see you're awake." She turned to see Asami in the doorway. She was dressed in pajama pants and a tank top. Korra averted her eyes in fear of her cheeks turning red. "I was afraid you'd get sick last night. I see you found the Advil."

Rubbing her head, Korra nodded. "Yeah, thanks. How did I get here? Opal didn't pawn me off on you, did she?" A smile tugged at Asami's lips as she went to the night table and picked up the glass of water.

"No. She offered to take you, but I insisted. She had to look after Bolin anyway." Damn, she was so considerate Korra thought.

"Is he okay? I could've swore I heard him puking his guts out." Asami nodded and tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear. Korra tried not to notice.

"He's fine. He'll just have to drink plenty of water, and you should do the same." She handed Korra the glass and watched as she took a sip, which immediately relieved her throat.

"I didn't say anything I'll regret later hopefully." She joked, but Asami avoided her gaze and walked out of the room. Korra was on her heels. "What happened? Did I confess my undying love for Taylor Swift?" The older girl ignored her and went to the kitchen. "Oh god, did I tell you something? Something I shouldn't have?"

"I have pop tarts, frosted flakes, or waffles." She pulled out a package of strawberry pop tarts and handed them to Korra. She took them without hesitation and went back to their early conversation.

"Listen lady," she snapped somewhat seriously. "I have a right to know what stupid stuff I did while drunk." Asami just laughed and unwrapped her own pop tart. Korra could feel her ears go red.

"You're cute when you're mad." She said between giggles, and that got Korra's attention. She just got called cute. By Asami. Asami 'the Taco Bell cashier'. Asami the girl who made her heart hurt. The one and only Asami.

"I'm not fully aware of what's happening right now, terrible hangover." She rubbed her temple and hoped Asami would buy it. "I appreciate what you did, but I should get going. I have to feed my dog, go to the gym,"

"And finish that essay, right?" Korra bit into her pop tart. Did she forget about that? "You should take a shower, I have some extra clothes for you so you don't have to smell like cigarettes and cheap booze." Korra shook her head. Did she really smell that bad?

"Yeah, yeah. Super long essay that I have to do. Busy weekend." She got up and stuck out her hand. "Thanks again. I should really get going though, I'll shower when my essay is finished." Asami gave her a confused look. Korra almost retracted her hand and made a beeline for the door, but Asami firmly grasped her hand.

"Anytime. I enjoy the company." She quickly pulled Korra into a hug and the younger girl practically melted. She still smelled the jasmine perfume from the night before. Asami rested her chin on Korra's shoulder and sighed. Korra broke away before things got awkward and dismissed herself.


"So, how'd it go?" She was tempted to stab Opal with her pencil, but thought better of it.

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