Chapter 5

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Korra settled into her couch and took a deep breath. The night's events played over in her head. Why was he such a shit ticket? Opal's words echoed in her ears. She let out a laugh. If she spoke her mind, it would end with one of them in the hospital.  

"Korra?" There was a knock on her door and Korra jumped. She couldn't make out the muffled voice and walked up to the peep hole. "I know you're home. I saw your bike out back." It was Asami. She unlocked the door and opened it. Asami quickly looked up and studied the younger girl. Her hair was probably a mess. She was dressed in a tank top and a pair of athletic shorts. It was apparent that she wasn't expecting company tonight.

"What's up." Her voice was dull, her eyes focused on the floor instead of the girl in front of her.

"Can I come in?" Korra moved back and Asami walked past her. "I was a worried when you left, we all were." Korra exhaled through her nose and sat back down on the couch. Asami hesitated before joining her. "Opal thought you would do something reckless."

"I'm sorry. I don't know what got into me." She felt a hand cover her own. Korra jumped."Mako just gets on my nerves sometimes."She admitted. Asami's hand tightened and Korra looked up at her. A look of empathy etched her face, her eyes filled with worry.

"After you left, Mako was really upset." Korra scoffed. Of course he was. "He was upset with himself, Korra." She had a hard time believing that. "He wanted to apologize." Asami urged, her grip tightening slightly.

"So he sent you instead of coming himself. Such a gentlemen." She said flatly. Asami frowned at her tone. "Asami, he does this kind of thing all the time. I'm used to it. You don't have to help him out with. He should know better, anyway." She gave her an assuring smile. Asami didn't seem convinced but didn't say anything.

"He didn't send me. I just wanted to make sure you were okay." Her voice was soft. Korra squeezed her hand.

"Thanks. I'm okay. I'll talk to Mako in the morning. Maybe knock some sense into him." Literally. The older girl just smiled and let go of Korra's hand. "I'll let you know how it goes."

"I get off work at eleven, maybe we could get lunch?"

"As long as it's not Taco Bell." Korra joked, patting her torso. "It's messing with my figure." She walked with Asami to the door and had to stop herself from hugging the cashier. She was surprised wen Asami wrapped her arms around her neck and pulled her in. Korra awkwardly put her hands on Asami's sides.

"Sounds perfect." Her breath tickled Korra's ear and she fought back a shudder. "See you tomorrow."

"Yeah, see you tomorrow." Asami backed away and waved sheepishly as she left.

After Korra locked the door, she returned to the couch. She couldn't stop smiling, and she had a feeling she knew why. Her thoughts shifted to Mako. She knew he sent Asami. Why did he have to act so weird towards her? After the breakup, everything was normal. Until Asami showed up...

She shook her head. This wasn't her fault. This didn't even involve her. Korra pulled out her phone and sent Mako a text asking if they could go to the gym tomorrow. Her phone lit up, and Mako said sure. Short and sweet. Korra rolled her eyes and burrowed deeper into the couch, thoughts of Mako and Asami swimming in her mind.


The gym was empty. Korra had gotten up before the sun, a bad habit of hers. The smell of sweat lingered in the air, which she had grown used to. Korra liked being the only one here; she could yell and grunt as much as she wanted to without getting weird looks. She went over to the radio and turned it on. She wrapped her hands in boxing tape and started on the punching bag. Opal had called Tenzin about her meltdown last night, so she had to see him today.

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