Chapter 11

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"I think they're called 'The Equalists'. As you can imagine, they're all about equality." Tarrlok handed Korra pictures of the band. They all wore identical clothes, uniforms if you wanted to be specific. The thing that made her uneasy was the masks that they wore. They reminded her of gas masks. 

"They certainly look, uh, special. You said the just sprang up?"

Tarrlok tapped away on his laptop. "They've gained a following this past year. I'm afraid it may have something to do with the council."

Korra furrowed her brow in thought. Republic City was currently governed by representatives from each nation. Tarrlok and Tenzin were on the council, and they never really got along. When Tarrlok decided to try his hand in the music industry, thus leaving the rest of the council with his workload, well, Tenzin had had enough. Things were said, or shouted, rather, and Korra thought it would get physical. After a vote, Tarrlok was able to keep his seat on the council, much to Tenzin's dismay.

"You think they could actually cause a revolution or something? They're just a band." Korra crossed her arms and laid back in her chair. Bands and politics weren't unfamiliar really. When wars popped up there was always someone who disagreed with it, and they voiced their opinion through music, poetry, and other art mediums. But that was years ago, sometime around the 100 year war. Korra wasn't even born yet.

"Music can be a powerful weapon when used correctly, I'm afraid. These 'Equalists' know what they're doing, and it's working. People have taken to social media to voice their opinions on the current government. Most of it is negative." Tarrlok scrolled through his tablet and handed it to Korra. Hundreds of tweets greeted her, all saying something about how horrible the council was and that someone needed to change it. Korra rolled her eyes.

"These are just a bunch of random people who don't know what they're talking about. I don't see the threat."

"These random people can become organized quickly. Then we would have a problem." Tarrlok growled. 

Korra sighed. "What do you want me to do about it?"

"I need to do to some investigating. Hang around these 'Equalists' gigs, get information. See if they're the real deal."

"You want me to spy? That isn't in my resume. I don't even know what I'm looking for!"

Tarrlok smiled, pulled out a few pieces of paper and pushed them across the table. "Then you have some reading to do."

"And if I say no?"

"I'll make sure you never work in this business ever again." Tarrlok said simply, though his attention was now on his phone. Korra's jaw dropped in shock. Would he really fire her? He said it so quickly, as if she was something that was easy to dispose of and replace. "Go along now. Maybe you can get your friends to help. I don't care how you do it, but I want results Korra."


"C'mon Korra! You've been locked in your room for like, five hours!" Bolin continued to pound on the door. 

"One sec!" 

Straightening out her jacket, Korra gave one more look at her reflection. She totally nailed the 'down with the government' look.  She had borrowed Bolin's hair gel and slicked her hair back. A black and red bandana tied around her neck, along with a black leather jacket and jeans with WAY too many holes in them. 

The goal was to not stand out and don't get recognized. The slick-backed hair help tremendously. She would have to wear the bandana over her mouth just in case. Bolin had gone with a black t-shirt and jeans. His hair was spiked up and Korra couldn't help but laugh when he showed up.  

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