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Not good, Korra. 

Outnumbered would be an understatement. The was only one way out of this. She nodded to Mako. He rolled his eyes, which to her meant he understood but she would be getting an earful later. Getting out alive was her main priority. 

Doing a quick sweep around the warehouse, there was only two points of exit. There was little room for error. 

"Is this your best idea?" Mako's voice rang through her ear. He probably had a better shot of getting out of here unscathed. "I know what you're thinking; I'm not leaving here without you." Korra grimaced. Her ribs were on fire and she couldn't think clearly. 

"I can guide you out, I have a pretty decent view from up here. I need you to listen and react, don't think."

Staggering to her feet, the sound of electricity buzzed throughout her ears.  Listen and react, listen and react...

She dusted off her hands and waited for her adrenaline to kick in. 

Any time now...

There was a problem, however.

"Why aren't you moving?" asked Mako.

"Oh my god why can't I move?" Panic began to set in as she tried to take a step forward.

"There's something on your back!" Mako buzzed.

She reached behind her with no affect; whatever it was, it was slowly taking over her whole body. Her knees began to shake uncontrollably until finally giving in. Korra's limp body dropped like a stone, her head hit the ground so hard her vision was beginning to blur.

Shouts emitted all around while Mako was screaming in her ear. There was a blur of shadow as she was surrounded. She felt a pair of hands scoop her up, the shouting grew louder and her vision was completely gone.

And then it got complicated.


Darkness greeted her when she woke. At first, she wasn't sure if she had actually come to; pitch blackness was all she could see. She was seated on the ground, back against a cold wall, metal if she had to guess. Her hands were cuffed and lay in her lap. A loosely tied rope was somewhat secure around her ankles. Great.

Korra went to stand up but was greeted with a thud. Ceiling maybe? GREAT. Her arms were able to extend fully until hitting another wall.

"Holy shit, they put me in a box!" A small, dark box to boot.

Panic began to flow through as Korra frantically thought of a way out. 

"Okay, let's just calm down for a minute." She steadied her breathing, unaware of how much oxygen she had left. Korra settled back against the wall and tried her best at a lotus position. "Breathe in...." She slowing inhaled, counting the seconds in her head. Breathe ou-

Just as she was going to exhale the ceiling above her opened abruptly, causing Korra to choke on her own breath. A bright florescent light shined on her blinding her momentarily. After her eyes adjusted, she began to stand up. 

"Wait, what if someone is waiting for me to get out and then knock me on my ass?" She whispered and was startled when she heard a faint giggle. "Damn, I'm about to get my ass beat." Korra stood up fully, though the box she was being kept in stopped at her nose. 

The building they were in reminded Korra of a hospital. Polished, white tile wall and flooring. Bright lights, no windows, door? Korra turned slowly to get a good scope of the room. There didn't seem to be a door? White tile went around all four walls. A low whirring sound began, and the four walls that contained her opened to the floor. 

Korra stepped out cautiously, the giggle she heard earlier had to of come from someone. However, she appeared to be alone. There was a twin bed set against the wall in front of her, what looked to be some type of medical equipment lined the wall to her left, while the one on her right had a blank television mounted to the wall. The odd thing, there was no where to sit besides the bed. 

"Oooookay.... Let's not freak out. Be rational about this Korra." She muttered, shuffling towards the bed. The sheets were white, like everything else. Looking a little closer, there was a white gown neatly folded on top of the pillow. Korra arrowed her eyes at the garment, assumed for her to put on. "After Labor Day? I don't think so." 

A high-pitched beep came from her left. It was one of the machines, however the rest of the equipment remained quiet. The same beeping started coming from her cuffs, which unlocked themselves. Korra threw them aside with no hesitation. 

"I'm sure you have questions." A voice cackled from above her. Korra snapped into a defensive position, forgetting about the rope around her ankles and falling to the floor appropriately. The voice giggled, though it sounded a distorted and a little creepy if Korra was being honest. "Please try to make yourself comfortable. We have provided you with a change of clothes. I would greatly appreciate if you could change, someone is here to see you."

"Here to see me? I don't even know where here is!" Korra freed her ankles and tried not to panic. She ran to the side of the room with the TV, touching every part of the walls in hopes of activating a button or door, something that could help her escape. 

The voice cackled again. "There's no use. You are in a very secure facility with a 0% success rate of escaping. I suggest you change into your gown and wait for further instruction."

"Listen, you don't know me, but I don't really wait around for further instructions." Korra spat back. She moved to the equipment; maybe she could break something off and use it to break her way out.

"I wouldn't touch that."

"I wouldn't touch that." Korra mocked. As soon as her hand hovered around the machine, a shock shot through her hand, into her arm all the way down to her legs, which were feeling a little weak now that she thought about it. "What the hell?" 

"Please, this will be best for both of us if you just comply with my simple requests."

"Simple requests? I feel like a prisoner here, ya know!" Korra's stomach dropped. She was a prisoner. Damn. 

"What happened to Mako?" She asked quietly. Mako was supposed to get away, at least! As long as he got away, he can get help. 

"We can talk about that later. Please, change and prepare for your visitor."

Korra let an annoyed groan out, begrudgingly undressed and put the gown on. It felt like your standard hospital gown; thin and itchy. She sat on the bed, her head in her hands.

"Mako, please don't mess this up like you do everything else." She prayed. 

Author's Note:
Is this a ridiculously short chapter?

Is the story still going?

Have you made a Patreon where we can support you if we are able to and maybe get some cool content?
I'm so glad you asked!

Right now the goal is to get my patreons  access to chapters a couple days before I publish it on Wattpad. Again, please don't feel bad if you are unable to contribute. I think it's awesome that people even read my stories!

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2021 ⏰

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