Chapter 2

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"Focus Korra." She gritted her teeth and swung. Mako ducked and jabbed her side, causing her to fall to her feet. He immediately went to help her up, but she just huffed and pushed herself off the ground. She held her fists up and prepared for Mako's hit.

He side stepped and aimed for her torso. He kicked forward as she dove to the right. She quickly grabbed his foot and went to throw him, but Mako broke free and kicked her in the side. She groaned in pain as she landed on the mat.

They had an early morning workout, one of the only times they could hangout by themselves. Or beat each other up.

"I'll be feeling that tomorrow." She muttered. Mako held up his hands in defense.

"Hey, you said don't hold back." Korra frowned, taking a sip from her water bottle.

"I didn't mean turn into Rocky and act like your pride is at stake." She deadpanned, grasping her side. Mako didn't know his own strength sometimes.

"Unbelievable." Mako grabbed his water bottle and sat on the bench. Korra wiped her forehead and sat beside him.

"You know what I mean. Just because I'm a girl doesn't mean I'll break with one touch, you know that." She nudged his shoulder and offered a small smile. Mako kept a straight face. Korra rolled her eyes.

"I know. But you seem a little out of it today. What's on your mind?" Damn Mako and his ability to see right through her. She dropped her head and sighed.

"I'm a little worried about Bolin and Opal. You've seen they way they act around each other when we're supposed to be practicing. Especially this close to a performance!" She heard Mako chuckle. "What's so funny?"

"You," he began, "are so jealous." He crossed his arms and looked at her, and she wanted to wipe the smug look off his face.

"Me? Jealous of Bolin? Your brother? I don't think so." Mako shook his head and got up. "I have nothing to be jealous of!" She declared.

"Deny it all you want, but I know you Korra. Bolin is just living his life, enjoying himself." He grabbed his bag and heard toward to door. "I suggest you do the same." He said over his shoulder.

Korra stared at him with disbelief. She was living! She had a band, her own apartment, though it wasn't in the best shape. So why wasn't she happy?


"Hey, where are you?" Korra gripped the phone. "I'm at Taco Bell." Laughter rang in her ear and she frowned. "What?"

"It's not even Tuesday!" Kai exclaimed. "Does this mean you'll be late?"

"I think I'm gonna skip today, if that's okay with you." It was more of a statement than a question. After this morning, she didn't want to step inside the gym for awhile.

"That's fine! Gives me more time for romance." She could tell he was smiling and faked a gag.

"Didn't need to know that." She headed inside and stood in line. Thankfully it wasn't as crowded. "Gotta go. Don't do anything stupid." She hung up and looked at the menu.

"Can I help you?" That voice. Korra's heart raced as her eyes fixated on the women before her. It was Asami, and she looked just as beautiful as before. "Wait, weren't you here the other day?" She grinned, causing Korra's breath to hitch.

"Uh, yeah. I was." She rubbed the back of her neck and tried to stay calm. "I'll have a number seven with a Pepsi and-"

"Soft taco?" The younger girl gaped at as Asami typed in her order. She could've sworn Asami winked, but maybe she was just hoping."That'll be $6.49." Korra handed her a ten and grabbed her drink.

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