Chapter 12

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Kinda a short chapter, I'm slowly getting back into this story. Hope you enjoy!


"Are you gonna answer it?"

Korra stared at the screen. This could be bad. Asami had totally seen through Korra's poor excuse of a disguise and now she was calling to confront her. Panic quickly spread through her and she threw the phone to Bolin. He gave her a curious look.

"I can't answer it!" He threw the phone back. 

"Why not?" They were playing a dangerous game of hot potato.

"It's your phone!" He tossed it a little to high. Korra tried to grasp it, but it slipped through her fingers and landed with a thud. Bolin's eyes wide with shock and had an apology on the tip of his tongue. "I am-"

Korra held up a hand to stop him. "Now neither of us has to answer it." She got up to asses the damage. The screen looked like it had taken a bullet. Sighing, she laid it on the tv stand. "If she calls you, ignore it." 

"But then it will be super suspicious!"

"Maybe, but we need to figure out what this means." She held up a poster she snagged before the security guard had chased her off. It had a picture of whom she assumed was Amon. Bolin took a closer look at the poster.  

"The mask is a little much." He rubbed his chin. "He looks like a super villain."

Korra plopped down on the couch. "A crappy super villain. But that mask does give me the creeps." Bolin nodded.


Korra sat at Tarrlok's desk, papers scattered over the surface pertaining to the Equalists. After explaining what went down at the concert, Tarrlok had made the investigation his (and Korra's) top priority. Which meant less music making and more spying. She wasn't too thrilled.

"Amon." Tarrlok muttered as he shuffled through the papers. "That name sounds familiar. He looks like quite the character." He narrowed his eyes at the poster Korra had given him. He pinned the poster on a board that hung behind his desk. Grabbing a marker, he made huge circles around Amon. "This man is the face of their organization. Nothing more than a mascot seeing as he hasn't made an appearance to the public."

Korra shifted in her seat. "He was there. At the concert. He was talking to someone and mentioned a boss. I have no clue who it could be." 

Tarrlok tapped his temple and studied the board. "One thing's for sure, the Equalists are being funded."

Korra let out a scoff and folded her arms. "You got that right. They're music is crap so there is no way the are making enough to fund whatever it is they're doing." Granted, there were quite a few people at the concert. 

"I'll see if I can find any leads regarding their funding situation. There's another concert next Friday. I will be in attendance, and I hope you can find the time to accompany me. For safety reasons, we shouldn't be seen together. The less suspicious the better." 

Korra nodded in agreement. She wouldn't wanna be seen anywhere with Tarrlok regardless of the situation. 

"Be sure to keep your eyes open. If you catch wind of anything out of place, contact me immediately." He turned back to the board and muttered under his breath. Korra took that as her dismissal. Maybe she could actually work on her music.


She did not get to work on her music. Instead, she threw herself into research. These Equalists were... odd to say the least. Their message gave Korra an uneasy feeling; mostly because of how much she could see their side and why they were doing what they were doing. She didn't know squat about the government, only hearing about the so called "terrible" things that they let happen. The backlash on social media was growing, and it seemed that the Equalists agenda was going smoothly. 

On top of all of that, Asami had been calling and texting her nonstop. Korra felt bad for not answering. With everything that's happened, she felt like her head would explode. She could just ask what Asami was doing there, but then she would have to explain herself. 

Korra rubbed her temples and let out a frustrated sigh. Her eyes scanned the papers on her coffee table. Tarrlok was so adamant about this, but for all Korra knows she's the only one helping him with this. 

Her thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door. She frantically swept the papers off of the table and stuffed them under the couch cushions. 

"Coming!" She winced at how high her voice came out. After making sure she left no evidence behind, she shuffled to the door. After opening it, her heart stopped. 

Asami stood before her, looking like she hadn't slept in weeks. Her usually well-kept hair was pulled into a rather messy ponytail. There were prominent bags under her eyes accompanied with dark circles. She wore an old looking t-shirt and a pair of gray sweatpants. She looked... not like Asami. Not the one Korra knew, anyway.

"H-hey." Korra took in her appearance and tried to keep a neutral look on her face. "What are you doing here?"

Asami narrowed her eyes and pushed Korra, causing the younger girl to stumble backwards. Taken aback by her forwardness, Korra opened her mouth to say something but Asami beat her to it.

"Why." She pushed Korra again. "Didn't you." Another push, Korra barely caught herself on the coffee table. "Answer me?" The final push landed Korra on the couch with Asami towering above her. If the situation wasn't so scary, she would find this somewhat romantic. However, the look on Asami's face suggested otherwise.  

Korra dropped her head and let out a shaky breath. She ran a hand through her hair, trying to gather her thoughts and explain herself. Tarrlok had made it clear that what they were doing should be kept a secret, for the time being at least. When she looked back to Asami, she wondered how bad it would be to tell her. She would do anything to make Asami feel better and not look like she's been through hell and back. All she had to do was say it. Explain herself, reassure the woman that stood before her that it had nothing to do with her, it was something else. 

Asami sighed and sat next to Korra. The latter sank back into the couch and closed her eyes. It was strange how even the presence of Asami could somewhat relax her. She felt a hand on her knee and she slowly opened her eyes staring at the ceiling above her.

"I know how it looks." She began. "Like I'm an asshole. And I have been a huge asshole to you." 

"Yes, you have been." Asami agreed. "I've been worried sick. No one could tell me what's been going on. You've been off the grid for almost a week it seems." She moved her hand to Korra's face. Korra resisted the urge to melt into her touch. "I just want to help." She said softly. 

"I know. And I appreciate it, really I do." Korra turned her head to look directly at Asami. As their eyes met, Korra could see the tears forming in the other woman's eyes and her throat tightened. She let out a melancholy laugh. "You're not making this easy, ya know?"

"Then let me help you Korra. Please ." Korra gently grasped Asami's wrist and pulled it into her lap. 

Just tell her, you idiot! 

"I can't."

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