Chapter 6

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Subway. It had to be Subway. Korra wasn't surprised, but everything was awkward. The sweet smell of healthy hit them as soon as they walked in. They ordered they're sandwiches and Korra found them a table.

"This was the surprise? Subway?" Asami smiled and took a bite.

"Hey, I figured it was a nice change of pace from Taco Bell. Besides, this is so much better for you."

Korra scoffed, but ate her sandwich. "Then why do you work at Taco Bell if you like this place so much?"

"It was the only place hiring at the time. Do you honestly think I would willingly be a Taco Bell cashier?" Korra hid behind her sandwich and blushed.

"I would." She admitted softly. Asami chuckled.

"Of course you would. I think you would look cute in a Taco Bell uniform." Korra's blush grew warmer at the compliment. She noticed how dangerously close their hands were and her heart sped up.

"I think I'll stick to music for now. Speaking of, Mako went out and found a not broken snare head and he's putting it on tonight. You should come too." She took a sip of her drink as Asami considered her offer.

"I'll swing by after class if I have time. I'm sure Mako wouldn't mind the extra company." Korra shrugged. "He mentioned you're rather musically talented."

Korra blinked. "Um, I play a few instruments, yeah. I wouldn't say talented." Asami nibbled on what was left of her sandwich.

"My dad made me take piano lessons when I was six. It was torture." Asami groaned. Korra smiled.

"Learning guitar wasn't a walk in the park either. Check it out." She held out her left hand for Asami to see. She ran her fingers over Korra's calloused hand. "Sometimes I would start bleeding, but I played anyway."

"Wow." Asami let go of her hand. "What else can you play?"

"Drum set is my main instrument. Other than that, I can play guitar, ukulele, trombone, and a little bit of flute." She counted on her fingers.

"I bet you were one of those band geeks in high school." The older girl teased, a playful grin spreading on her face. Korra snorted and shook her head.

"I may have participated in marching band, but I am no geek. It's harder than you think." She remembered how hot it was during band camp and how heavy her snare drum was sitting on her shoulders. That's part of the reason why she started lifting.

"I'm sure you have the muscles to prove it. I had a few friends that were in band, so I understand the gist of it." Asami wiped her mouth with a napkin and Korra thought it was the most seductive way to wipe off a mouth.

"Uh, yeah. My calves are super toned. All the marching and whatnot." She watched as the cashier licked a spec of mayo off of the corner of her lips. Korra choked on her drink.

"Korra, are you okay?" Asami asked alarmed. Korra waved her off while still struggling.

"I'm fine, just-" she let out a cough. Asami got up and went over to her, wrapping a arm around her shoulder. She gently patted Korra's back. "Thanks." She said sheepishly. "I thought that made it worse?"

Asami shrugged and returned to her seat. "You looked in dire need of help. Speaking of, I was wondering if you could tell me about Mako?" Her voice was higher than usual, and she avoided Korra's gaze.

Korra was a little disappointed. She kept a smile on her face and decided to get it over with. "What about him? He's a nice guy, well, as nice as guys are." Keep it short, Korra. "Mako is my best friend, I've known him for a long time. Trust me when I say you're in good hands."

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