Chapter 7

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Welcome to Stressed Out! Where the plot's made up and the back stories don't matter! 

EDIT: I realized I wrote Mako to be the BIGGEST shit ticket and he really doesn't deserve to be portrayed in that way. So I'm going back and rewriting some stuff to make him not as big of a dick. Thanks for reading!

Korra tapped her fingers nervously as she and the rest of the band waited back stage. They were just playing at one of the bars, but Korra always found something to worry about.

She was dressed in a cut off, a pair of skinny jeans, and her old sneakers. One of the lucky things about being a drummer is that she was in the back.

Mako and Bolin were wearing a t-shirt and blazers; Mako's red and Bolin's green respectively. Asami was decked out in a red crop top and a pair of snug, black, jeans. Korra felt underdressed.

"Okay guys, pep talk." Korra started. "Don't suck. If you mess up, keep going. Never give up." She lifted her fist in the air triumphantly.

"Great pep talk, Korra! You always know how to keep our heads up!" Bolin patted her on the back in agreement. "I feel like I could fight a million wolfbats! How about you, Mako?" The older brother crossed his arms.

"It was okay." He teased. Bolin waved him off. "Don't listen to him Korra. It was awesome."

Asami gently touched her arm and offered a smile. She was nervous as well. Her eyes darted everywhere, taking in the new surroundings. Korra grinned playfully.

"Nervous?" Asami narrowed her eyes at the younger girl. Korra chuckled. "Don't be. You'll do great." Asami nodded, though she didn't seemed eased by Korra's words.

"You guys ready to go?" One of the owners came back to the group. Korra eyed her friends before nodding. He waved them off and Korra led the way.

Cigarette smoke filled the air; the bar was dimly lit, making it hard to make out anyone in the crowd. Korra wrinkled her nose in disgust. She sat down at her drum set and twirled her sticks in her hands. Bolin and Mako strapped on their guitar and bass while Asami took her place behind the microphone.

Korra tapped her mic and cleared her throat. "Hey people of Nook's Bar, we are the Fire Ferrets and your entertainment for the next half-hour." The was a low murmur among the crowd.

Asami looked back at her, and Korra have her a thumbs up. The older girl smiled and turned to face the crowd.

Korra hit her sticks together and started a beat. Bolin and Mako followed in. Asami gripped the mic in her hands and tapped her foot along to the beat.

Sometimes you gotta bleed to know
That you're alive and have a soul
But it takes a song to come around
To show you how

The crowd cheered as Assmi sang; Bolin bobbed his head while Mako kept a straight face. The lights above them flickered to beat and Korra could see the crowd for a few seconds. They seemed to be enjoying it.

You fell asleep in my car
I drove the whole time
But that's okay I'll just avoid the
Holes so you sleep fine
I'm driving here I sit
Cursing my government
For not using my taxes to fill
Holes with more cement

Bolin was jumping now. Korra kicked the bass with enthusiasm and pounded on the toms. The song ended, and the group was met with applause from the crowd before them. The drummer couldn't help but grin at the sight.

They breezed through the rest of the songs. The received hoots and hollers from the crowds as they walked off the stage.

"Holy crap that was amazing! First Nook's Bar, then the Super Bowl." Bolin exclaimed, throwing his arms over Korra and Asami's shoulders.

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