Part 13

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And the next part is here, 

hope you enjoy :)


Ragini sat alone in her room, the weight of Sanskar's hurtful words pressing heavily on her.
"Stop Stop it" she screamed clutching her head

The room echoed with the resonance of each syllable, cutting through her emotional defenses and reopening wounds she had been desperately trying to heal. The newfound feelings she had for Sanskar now left her questioning everything—her own worth, her right to love, and the continuous cycle of pain that seemed to haunt her.


Meanwhile, Sanskar lay on the floor of his cabin, his face stained with tears. The misery he felt was a tangled mess, a mixture of the pain he had caused himself and the anguish inflicted by others. The confines of the room seemed to close in on him, trapping him in the suffocating darkness. A haunting voice in his mind mocked him, a cruel reminder of losing yet another precious relationship. The weight of his actions bore down on him, leaving Sanskar lost in a sea of regret and self-loathing.

As hours passed and the morning rays dimly lit the surroundings, Sanskar found himself on the office floor, the weight of guilt pressing upon him. Collecting himself, he stood up, his legs wobbly and head heavy. It had been two days since he last slept properly and the alcohol didnt make it better.

The events of last night played in front of his eyes like a haunting reel. Filled with anger and frustration towards what happened with Rudra, Sanskar vividly remembered meeting Rudra at hospital. There were subsequent blurry moments, including drowning his frustrations in alcohol in a futile attempt to find peace. Then, he came to the office in search of an old case file, a decision that unintentionally led him to encounter Ragini and inadvertently hurt her with his venomous words.

Despite the guilt gnawing at him, Sanskar knew he had more urgent matters to attend to. His mind was consumed by a storm of conflicting emotions, torn between remorse and the pressing issues that needed resolution. With a heavy sigh, he decided to leave for home before people started filing into the office, carrying the burden of his actions with every step.


The room was dimly lit as Ragini woke up to the ringing of her phone. In her disheveled state, she found herself sitting near the edge of the bed. As she composed herself, a sense of urgency kicked in, prompting her to search for her phone. The screen displayed a missed call from Rudra's mother, and her worry intensified.

Ragini hastily returned the call, the concern evident in Rudra's mother's voice. She inquired about any information regarding Rudra's whereabouts. Ragini recounted the secretary's information about Rudra's unexpected business trip, attempting to reassure her that he was on a business venture.

With a hint of frustration coloring her voice, Rudra's mother couldn't help but express her annoyance, "That boy can really be careless. It's been three days, and he didn't even bother to call. Let him return; I'll teach him a lesson." 

After assuring Rudra's mother that he was fine, Ragini ended the call.

Despite her effort to comfort the concerned mother, Ragini's own fear and anxiety grew. The question lingered in her mind like a persistent shadow: Where was Rudra?

Ragini had made up her mind; she needed to find Rudra. With that determination, she quickly freshened up, and as she made her way towards the hall, the voices of her father, Shekhar, and Sharmistha reached her ears.

"You need to speak with DP ji, Shekhar."

"And say what exactly, Sharmistha?"

"Till when are we going to skip the topic of Laksh and Swara? Someday a resolution has to be drawn. Do you even realize the kind of hate-filled words she has to endure?"

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