The chain of emotions

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Atsushi felt the air tensing around him and twisting all his limbs. How was he supposed to answer this? Fyodor or Dazai? Dazai has been there when he was about to die but Fyodor was the reason he was here to meet the Agency and learn from his mistakes. But that wasn't the part he was most worried about. He knew just how these two men would act. By answering one, he would betray and upset the other. Not answering would anger them both. Did they care how much pressure he was putting on him? And each seconds he thinks counts as hesitation to his final answer so what is he supposed to do?! He wanted to run away but he will always get caught. Atsushi's facial expression didn't hide any of his thoughts and it helped a certain girl to empathise.

Kyoka also thought about the question even if it wasn't directed to her. And instead of Dazai and Fyodor, she thought of her own parents. Her dad helped them live happily and her mom ended her whole life to protect her. She knew she had no right to choose who was better becuase they both helped her out so much. Even though in Atsushi's situation Kyoka would pick Dazai, she understands that Fyodor means something to Atsushi and Atsushi is most likely having the same thought process as her. Even though it's a forward question, it really hits someone mentally. Giving them that pressure to pick one and be responsible for not picking the other. A question that makes you feel wrong. She hated seeing Atsushi beating himself up in his mind but at the same time she felt too small in this situation to step in. Who was a 14 year old girl to Dazai Osamu and Fyodor Dostoyevsky in a mental battle?

And like a chain, Kunikida sees Kyoka's troubled face to Atsushi's nervous face. This causes some pain in his heart too. The agency was his life so the members were his family. He cared deeply for everyone, especially the ones younger and less experinenced than him. Kunikida took a deep breath. He always told off Dazai, nothing new there, but he was afraid of Fyodor. He could risk his whole life right now as he took a step forward to Atsushi.

''Leave the kid alone please. He's been through enough today.'' Kunikida says sternly. He didn't want to argue but just raise a point. Dazai looks towards Fyodor, seeing if he would back down. He wouldn't back down first, never. Fyodor looks at Atsushi and nods. Fyodor turns around and back downs.

''Very well,'' Fyodor smirks ''I met my son for a day, and even though he hasn't chosen me, I did enough to make him hesitate.'' Fyodor directs that towards Dazai, trying to show how he hasn't backed down and how he sees everything going to plan. Dazai gets a little more pissed but he doesn't argue back and lets Fyodor's words slide for now.

Fyodor chuckles with his smirk ''Oh but don't think this is the end my son,'' now he speaks more directly to Atsushi, ''Of course you wouldn't want it to end here either. I'm sure time has already booked another slot for us and maybe if we're lucky, we'll meet again much sooner. See you soon.''

Atsushi doesn't say any goodbyes and Fyodor walks away into the darkness of the alleyway he emerged from before. The agency group was left in silence until the sirens of the police that Kunikida called earlier to take away the...was alive...headmaster away. Before the police comes out the cars and towards the agency and puddle of blood, Kyoka asks one more question.

''So did we just let Fyodor go..?'' She asks, looking up at everyone. Kunikida feels a bit embarressed as he forget that Fyodor was a huge criminal.

''Uhh....let's just say we got very distracted...''

Atsushi DostoyevskyWhere stories live. Discover now