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"We don't have any milk!"

My little brother yells from the kitchen for the third time this week. "Camila, did you hear me?"

Caleb walks into my room without knocking which makes me stop my movie marathon. "Drink less milk, and maybe we would actually have it for more than a day or two."

He rolls his eyes and storms to his room. Great, he's mad again.

Raising a teenage boy is tough, and I sometimes pity my mom for having to raise me during my teenage years. "Caleb?" I knock on his door and wait for his response. "What?"

"I'll go to the store in a second okay?"

I hear him mumble a quiet 'yes' before I walk away.

Once I get back to my room I pick up an old shoebox from the back of my closet and place it on top of my bed before opening it.

"Shit." I mumble quietly when I notice how much money we have spent lately. It was Caleb's birthday and I wanted him to have something he has always wanted, a play station. Of course, I bought it used because I'm not rich at all but I had been saving money for it for months.

Now we barely have any money until next month. I begin counting the money and start thinking about what to buy. Milk, noodles, cereal and tampons, but I only have money for noodles, milk and cereal.

Though I could do it again.

I sigh and grab my jacket that is way too thin for the weather, so I put on a hoodie under it for more warmth. Then I quickly put on my shoes and walk out of the little house of ours.

The walk to the closest store isn't that long, only ten minutes. That's if I walk fast which I usually do.

Just like I thought, I got to the store in under ten minutes which gives me just enough time to get what I need before the store closes. "Excuse me.", I say to a girl and her friends to get past them. They were all standing right in front of the noodles.

As I reached for them, my hand accidentally touched one of the girls making her give me dirty looks.

"Who the fuck do you think you are?" She gasps. "Don't touch me you freak!"

Oh. People in this town can really be mean for no reason. Always wanting to start problems. "It was an accident." I explain and start to walk away. One of her minions put her foot in front of me making me trip and fall to the floor.

My face hit the dirty floor and they laughed. "Cheap whore." They laugh once more before walking away.

I absolutely despise this town with everything in my heart.

I stand up and pick up the noodles, walking to the milk section. After getting the milk and cereal, I walk to the tampons and make sure no one is close or able to see before quickly grabbing a box and shoving it inside my pocket.

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