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"Where the fuck is she!" I yell at my guards

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"Where the fuck is she!" I yell at my guards.

Camila is nowhere to be seen and I'm starting to think that she acyually was brave enough to escape. She did it once, no doubt will try again.


"Find her, you useless fuckers!"

I can feel a vein threatening to pop as I yell orders. Guards are running in and out, up and down.

"Silas, I found her!" I hear Nala yell from outside and I drop the gun I was pointing at everyone and make my way to her.

I will make her regret thinking she has the option to run away.

"I need a doctor!" Nala yells to another direction and I stand behind her.

Then she moves out of my way and I see Camila laying unconscious with dry blood from her forehead to past her cheeks. My eyes follow the blood to see that her headis laying in a pool of her own blood.

What the fuck happened?

"She's not breathing." Nala looks at me with a look of concern. She's hasn't been concerned like this for months if not even years.

At least she hasn't showed it.

I feel something weird in my chest. A feeling of uncomfort and I do not like it at all. There is absolutely no way that I'm starting to actually care about Camila. Am I?

"We need to get her to the operating room right now, she's losing too much blood!" The doctor yells and two nurses pick her limp body and run inside.

"What now?" Nala looks at me, wiping the blood from her hands to her shirt.

"You notify Aisha and I'm going to find out who did this."

I start walking to my office to watch the security camera's footage from last night. We have cameras everywhere so there's no chance of not catching the one responsible.

I watch and watch until I finally see Camila walking downstairs, looking around. She quietly makes her way to the backyard, still looking around every second. She looks scared, tired, upset even.

She smiles as she walks to the garder and touches the flowers. She looks happy now. Her body starts swaying as she tries to walk to another flower and hits her head to a rock wall that has one of the maid's gardening supplies hanging on it.

Her body spins a little and now that smile of hers is replaces with a frown. She touches her forehead, looks at the bloodon her hands and drops to the same place we found her at.

No one did this to her. It was all an accident.

Did she drink something? Take pills? I knew that she probably would get her hands on them at some point but I didn't think she would take them. If she even did it.

I watch the footage of other nights to find her always walking downstairs when nobody was around.

Then she always walks back to her room.

The memories of that one night come back. When she was holding my knife and I thought she was going to run.

She didn't.

"They took her to surgery, said that her wrist mights be broken and something about her skull." Nala walks in and comes to stand next to me.

"You find it yet?"

I nod and she looks at my eyes. "Who?"


She looks confused. "She did that to herself? Was she trying to kill herself?"

I shrug my shoulders and sigh.

"I don't know but I will find out."

Nala nods slowly, looking at the screens in front of me before looking back at me and smirking.

"Are you worried about a girl, Silas?" She chuckles.

"Don't be ridiculous."

"I'm serious! The way you were looking at her body with nothing but rage gave it away."

I shake my head and stand up, grabbing a bottle of whiskey before pouring it into a glass.

"She's important to our mission, that's all."

No it isn't.

After she told me about those dead assholes who tried to attack her and when we were together in that hallway a couple days ago, I started feeling something.

The way she was pushed against the wall, cheeks red and her body touching mine. How her body reacts to my touch. How our mouths were close to each other and how I felt her breath quicken whenever I spoke.

It wasn't fear, I know what fear looks like on a person. That was nothing close to fear.

"She already did whatshe was important for, it shouldn't matter if she dies now."

She's right, it shouldn't matter. But I can't help the way I feel the urge to protect her from anything.

I don't know what's happening to me.

I drown the glass of whiskey and pour another one.

"I don't have to explain myself to you."

I regret saying anything now because after I finished that sentence, she laughs and looks at me, raising one of her brow.

"You are falling for her!"

Then she laughs again and I feel like smashing this bottle to her head to shut her up. I don't deny anything though. There's no point in trying since Nala is the one to always catch my lies.

"Shut you mouth or get out." I grunt and watch how the ice moves around.

"Sure thing boss." She walks out with a wide smile on her face. Like she just won the biggest contest ever.

I start thinking about the mission to distract myself. It's a thing I always do.

The mission is in two weeks and four days. We start by driving to the location of the warehouse, everyone wearing bulletproof wests and a gun. Knifes in the pockets just in case. Aisha and Liam go in first, locating the land mines the best they can before leading the rest of us to our next stop.

After we all get to the other end of the tunnel, we climb up one one the exits. By the time we are up, they are already alarmed and guards are running to us with guns and possibly bombs. Their boss is on his way with even more guards which will take him around an hour if not more.

They will shoot, we will shoot and when enough guards are dead, we will steal the money and the drugs and everything we will get our hands on.

Hopefully none of us dies and by that I don't mean the guards.

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