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After teasing Silas the whole dinner, me and Aisha decide to catch up on things.

"So Rico treats you good right?" I question, scared that the grumpy man would let Aisha down.

"He treats me like a princess, earlier he came into my room with the prettiest flowers I have ever seen!" She smiles like she's living in a fairy tale. "They were purple and smelled like a dream!"

Aisha's eyes sparkle as she tells me about the gift. I can't lie and say I'm not surprised that Rico, the closed off gangster, would be so gentle and nice.

When Aish told me about their relationship I was shocked. An energetic and joyful girl who wants nothing but the best for every person and then a man who has been trained to kill without remorse.

Any sane person would laugh at the couple. Think that she's only going to her her heart broken and I thought so too. But now? I remember that the two have been in a same ruthless mafia for years. Aish is capable of killing too, she just doesn't show it as much as he does.

"That's great, Aish, I'm happy for you."

She looks at me and her smile widens even more, it's a little scary how wide her smiles can get.

"What about you and Silas?" She wiggles her brows.

"What are you talking about?"

"He changed your room to be next to his, he threatened to kill everyone who tries to lay a finger on you, he no doubt thinks about you every second."

"Don't forget he also threw me into a cell and kept me there until I agreed to help him." I point out and her smile is immediately gone. I still am a bit pissed about it but not as much as I was before. I mean, I wasn't touched or hurt and I got food and water.

The only thing hurting me was myself, I can't really blame him for something I did to myself.

"Cam.." I start to regret reminding her of it since now she looks upset and guilty. Like she's blaming herself which she shouldn't do.

"Stop that, I'm not mad at you, I never really was." I place my hand to her shoulder and give her a reassuring squeeze. She gives me a sad smile and I think of ways to make her happy again.

I decide to do the thing I promised to never too.

I tell her about Silas.

"Silas helped me calm down yesterday, he came into my room, rubbed my back and helped me breathe." I start and she gasps.

"I knew it!"

"There's something else," I bite my lip, hesitating before whispering the next words after looking around for anyone who might hear. "He fingered me and told me I'm his new favorite food."

Aisha's eyes bulge as she slaps a hand over her mouth.

"He did!?"

I just nod and we start hitting each other while quietly screaming. I tell her about the night when Silas took back his knife and also the camera situation, leaving her shocked.

"Cam, you are a damn slut." She laughs.

"Yeah but the camera thing was when I was stoned." I try to reason.

The way she's just silently smirking at me makes me want to slap her face to wipe it off.

"it's not like we're going to date or something." I shrug my shoulders and feel a tug in my chest.

Am I upset about it? Am I upset that Silas won't be my boyfriend?

"You never know, maybe you will."

We talk for couple more minutes until Liam calls her for work. They are just a couple more steps away from finishing the guns.

Now I am walking to my room once again to lay on my bed, dying of boredom. No phone, no internet, no friends to talk with.

My room is spotless from all my cleaning so I can't even do that. I could take a walk in the garden but I would have to take a guard with me and I need to be alone.

I don't want guards following my every step, not after killing their friends.

I step into my room and walk towards my bed.

"You were really brave during dinner, rose." That familiar deep voice sends shivers all over my body and before I get the chance to turn around and tell him to leave, his front presses against my back.

His arms wrap around my waist and he breathes me in.

"God, you smell good." He groans.

I blush, just like I seem to always do around him. "What do you want, Silas?"

"You, I want to feel every inch of you, I want to make you mine, I want to be the only one to be able to be this close to you."

His words leave be speechless. They were everything I didn't expect him to say.

"Is that hard to believe, rose, that a man like me would feel such things towards you?" He whispers against my neck before pecking it.

The action leaves a burning feeling on the spot as he repeats it next to it. Again, again and again.

"Answer me."

"Yes, it feel unreal to have you expressing something like that," I gasp when he kisses my weak spot. "I don't think it's possible for you to have other feelings than hatred or other violent feelings."

His hands tighten around my waist.

"You are very special then."

This all feels like a dream. It just can't be real.

"I don't want to get hurt." I whisper and he lets me turn around to face him.

"I would kill everyone to hurt you, rose, even if it would mean to kill myself." He places a hand to my cheeks and looks deeply into my eyes.

"Let me take you on a date, let me treat you right." His eyes look just as desperate as his words sound.

I hesitate. I stay quiet while I think of everything the muscular criminal in front of me just said. A handsome criminal who makes me feel things I never thought were possible.

"I will treat you better than any other man on this earth just let me prove it to you." His hand is now holding my jaw as he tilts my head up to look directly at his.

Those green eyes are a weakness that makes me feel weak in the knees and it seems impossible to decline his offer.

"Fine, one date." I hold a single finger up as I slowly sign up for a ride to hell.

"It's going to be a lot more than that, rose, we both know the crave for each other that we both have."

He's not lying. Even if I try, I can't take my mind of of him.

"I guess I can get my fairy tail after all."

He chuckles at my words.

"It's no fairy tail without a hero and I'm no hero, I'm the villain in every story," He pauses and looks at my face. "A hero would sacrifice you to save majority but me, I would kill every breathing soul to keep you happy and all you got to do is ask."

I gasp when he lowers his hand to my throat and squeezes it. The feeling is sudden and the sadist in front of me smirks at my reaction.

"You belong to me, rose, I won't let you go now."

He gives my lips a little kiss before letting go. My body begs for more but I don't let him know that.

"The date is tomorrow, I will have a maid deliver a dress, good night."

He leaves and shuts my door before I get to say anything.

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